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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. '80 anime, '50s song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W429jAFNQEk Do YOU remember what anime it was in?
  3. TOUGH, TOUGH TOYS FOR TOUGH, TOUGH BOYS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv39WKUCScg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HCLEqUZjd0
  4. I just go with what the Hasegawa instructions tell me to use. Boring, I know.
  5. Let it go on hiatus for however long it wants to. Who cares? Anything new they might come out with will stink anyways, so it's not like you'll be missing anything worthwhile.
  6. I think you're overvaluing Shadow Chronicles if you think the Frontier staff even knew of its existence. And you're really overvaluing Shadow Chronicles if you think the Frontier staff saw it. And you're REALLY REALLY overvaluing Shadow Chronicles if you think the Frontier staff found anything worth stealing in it. It sucks, pure and simple. No, I'm sure it was just simple incompetence on HG's part.
  7. The J9 Trilogy! BRAIGAR! BAXINGAR! SASRAIGAR! (Why no one has fansubbed these shows is beyond me.)
  8. Nah, I just pulled the Stephen Colbert trick: "Sheryl Nome: a GREAT character or THE GREATEST character?" As such, "Great" and "Greatest" are the only two choices. Memo, for example, says he doesn't like her, so that gets marked down as "Great."
  10. Well, it's not much different than the people who think that the song title "Northern Cross" is a Robotech reference, or the the Ex-Gear is based on the Cyclones. Or that SDFM is a rip-off of Space Battleship Yamato. Or that Frontier is a rip-off of Gundam because they have knives. People will see what they want to see.
  11. Well, *I* certainly didn't know until I got the big-ass box set and popped the first DVD in. Speaking of which... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3mVc5GUkns or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFfey5kJP3o Sound familiar, anyone?
  12. But it's fun! (Anyway, I agree with you about Frontier...there aren't many one-to-one correspondences between the characters, not when you really get into it. Still...Kaifun is the protective big-brother type who gets between the hero and the heroine. In that respect, Brera fits.)
  13. Please. How exactly is that "baiting"?
  14. True, true... But it seems to me that getting a "real" transformation must also have been of it...just as the VF-0 had those skinny little arms and thin, thin legs.
  15. No, I know what you mean. And yeah, stuff like Alien and Blade Runner wouldn't have made it if it hadn't been for Star Wars. It really opened the floodgates. Unfortunately, a lot of junk came out as well...which isn't really surprising, since keeping in the junk is what floodgates are for, right? EDIT: And really, all I wanted to do was advertise Escape from Galaxy 3, one of the finest space operas ever to come out of Italy in 1981.
  16. Like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=497fAZ9HIGo
  17. I don't think that's really preference, I think it's so they can make the CG models work without "anime magic."
  18. Well, as long as we're bringing Macross into it, I saw this a couple of years ago, and I really love it. Mostly it's the outfit that does it for me, rather than the performance, but hey...THIS SONG HAS DANCE MOVES! WHO KNEW? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSMdGMz_Tg0
  19. Orson Scott Card definitely falls into the camp you describe (although he hates Star Wars not because it's science fantasy, but because it's all too simplistic), but John Clute is one of the sharpest people ever to write about science fiction, and he has no problem with escapist stories, but he does write persuasively about the negative effect Star Wars had on science fiction in general. I wish I could remember some of his examples, but the book's packed away and I can't seem to find any related articles by him online. So yeah. I can't really get into the argument in-depth without an "appeal to authority," and I can't even cite the authority. I suck. Sorry.
  20. I said they dropped off, I didn't say they ceased to exist entirely. John Clute and Orson Scott Card have gone into this subject with far more depth, wit, and insight than I could, so I'll just suggest that you read Clute's entry for Star Wars in The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Card's introduction to Future on Ice.
  21. I don't think that's right. It says that the Megaroad-02 is Britai's original ship. It doesn't say that he commands it.
  22. True, true...and yet, the thought-provoking ones did kinda pick up in the late '60s/early '70s (see? LSD is GOOD for sci-fi!), and dropped off after 1978 or thereabouts.
  23. It's your avatar. It strikes terror even in the hearts of the bravest among us.
  24. He kinda is. His list from a couple of months ago: Now...I don't know how he's managed to see the Frontier movie, but hey...he's full of surprises, right?
  25. No, I was expecting he'd at least understand why he was banned, and I'm not welcoming him with open arms. Instead, it's "I got banned because of the DOL! Let's get Rhade now!" and "You hate me because you don't think I'm good enough for Macross and you think you're Macross's herald!" Still scheming to "get" people, still playing the victim. I guess my question, what has he done to inspire so much confidence in you?
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