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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. First I get accused of collaborating covertly with Memo, now Seto's being pegged as an HG operative...what's next? VFTF1 is Doug Bendo in disguise?
  2. Since when has Seto EVER spouted the HG company line? And why would he start now? Consider the source before you denounce him as an HG stooge.
  3. I seriously doubt it. Macross Plus took a long time between episodes as well.
  4. Good question. But look at it this way...do you like Macross because of Macross, or do you like it because of Big West and Studio Nue? If Kawamori smirked at your hairstyle and slept with your wife, would you suddenly become a Robotech fan? Just because the company making a product you like pulls a dick move (which, as Seto pointed out, may not have been such a dick move after all) doesn't mean you suddenly switch your allegiances...unless you're a little bit "off," that is.
  5. Quite frankly, I think the site exists primarily for Memo to show off to HG how great he is at marshaling the troops and building enthusiasm, and creating buzz. And I'll wager he thinks anyone who says "Hey, I like Robotech but I didn't like Shadow Chronicles" puts that enthusiasm at risk. How can he show HG his magnificent work-in-progress if everyone's bashing the hell out of their award-winning tribute to cinematic excellence? Or talking about Macross legalities? What I don't get is...if he doesn't like dissenting opinion, why have a forum at all? Just have the website be a venue for news and fan projects (after they've been properly vetted and approved, of course ). That way he wouldn't have to deal with pesky naysayers getting between him and his sweet, sweet HG luv.
  6. That weirded me out, too...escpecially considering that the topic is, "Is Anyone Else Losing Interest," and criticism of Shadow Chronicles seems like it would dovetail into that discussion quite naturally. And everyone was being reasonable about it...no flaming or anything. But I guess that's Memo for you.
  7. Au contraire, mon frére. Check here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28029 and here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=582 and here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...e=posts&hl= None of it is original. All of it is art.
  8. No, Seto's right here. Regardless of how you may feel, it's not "HG is wrong all the time! RAWR!" here. The truth of the situation should be found, and THEN you can pass judgment. I know, I know...finding the facts BEFORE getting accusatory might be a new concept for you, but we'll do our best to cushion the shock a bit. Mmm...there's one problem with that. Alois Fisher, one of the UEG guys, is one of the super-hardcore Robotech-is-better-than-Macross-and-I'll-cut-out-your-intestines-and-stuff-them-down-your-throat-if-you-say-otherwise guys from Robotech Factor. That said, he's also a really good artist.
  9. Just got a message from 1st Border Red Devil: I haven't seen the Robotech comic in question, so I can't comment one way or another. I figured it was only right to pass along the missive, however. EDIT: Oh, and Pizza: 1st Border Red Devil (AKA Brooklyn Red Leg) is NOT Rhade, whatever you may think.
  10. It was apparently quite close to completion...at least, after a long period of silence, they were suddenly very active and vocal about the project.
  11. Kinda. You can see the germ of 2001 in "The Sentinel," but overall it's pretty different. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sentinel_(short_story)
  12. Technically, it wasn't "source material." Kubrick and Clarke worked out the story together, then Kubrick did the film and Clarke did the book at the same time.
  13. Go$h, ye$. I ¢an't $ee any rea$on why the$e ¢ompanie$ would want to ¢ontinue their fran¢hi$e$.
  14. hey, I've got a great business deal for you. You give me 20% of your earnings per month, and I'll let you use the name "Uxi" worldwide. Sounds good, right? No? C'mon, suck it up and stop being butthurt! It's only 20% of your earnings!
  15. Thank you. But, after reading the article...
  16. Yeah...seeing all the little pony dolls with their eyes gouged out would be rather satisfying, wouldn't it?
  17. No, she's a girl. A rather cute girl, I thought. Unfortunately, she's also annoying as fuck.
  18. Yes...but did you ACTUALLY WATCH THE TRAILER!? Man, that movie looks awesome!
  19. Take a good look, people: Today, this gif led me to seek out my first ever glimpse into the world of Korean pop. I'm sorry...I'll never do it again.
  20. Oooh... , too!
  21. Because, of course, they're picking up SO MANY NEW FANS with each day that passes, right? (Although, admittedly, I've seen more than one person write, "I'm a die-hard anime fan, and I think Robotech is great," which, ten or fifteen years ago, would've gotten you kicked out of any anime club you tried to join.)
  22. I beg to differ. As soon as word got out that Starbuck was going to be a woman, the fans of the old show went ballistic. Apparently, Edward James Olmos got so much hate mail before the miniseries even aired that he told the fans to stop writing him, and not to watch the show. RDM now says that that was the best thing to say (since he had been trying to appease the rage, to no avail), but I'm sure he was horrified at the time.
  23. I stand corrected.
  24. TONS of negative comments didn't stop the new Battlestar Galactica... Maybe the best thing that could happen for the RLAM is if Tobey McGuire comes out and says, "All you old fans, DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE."
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