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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Good point, but since it was originally Pizza who brought up the comparison, I'm just wondering what his follow-through is. Generally, in these comparisons, they get compared negatively: "Shadow Chronicles is better because Frontier is 'full of boredom and hentai.'" "Shadow Chronicles is better because it doesn't have naked 12-year-old girls." "Shadow Chronicles is better because Frontier is just a rehash of the original Macross series." Pizza declared many, many times that he liked Shadow Chronicles better than Frontier. I can't believe that he changed his mind just because Memo banned him (just as, if were banned from here, I might get mad at the mods, but I wouldn't become a Robotech fan), so I'm curious as to why he thinks Shadow Chronicles is such a great movie, and what he thinks it did better than Frontier.
  2. Wow...that's really saying something...I thought all Gundam fans agreed that G-Saviour was the worst Gundam ever.
  3. Seconded. Don't hate on Gatchaman, Pizza. It's pretty damn awesome.
  4. But you DO like the movie, correct? And thought it was better than "that farce Frontier," right? So what did you find appealing about it? I'm genuinely curious. I prefer to think that he's not DELIBERATELY lying, it's just "magical thinking."
  5. Good question, Pizza. Good question.
  6. Well...there's also the fact that Mav is from Canada, not from the States.
  7. Enh, that's not what he's saying, really. I just posted a link to an Amazon.co.jp Listmania giving all the Macross novels, and for some reason, Mav thought they were comic books. Dunno why.
  8. *sigh* You're probably right. Guess I've just not smart enough to match wits with Maverick...
  9. Okay, judging from Memo's responses, it looks like Mav was...um, trying to do a parody of Seto? Something like that? I dunno. I don't get it.
  10. Yeah, it's funny isn't it? Duck was in what, one episode? Two? And the webisodes. Kat was featured pretty regularly throughout the first three seasons, and had a couple of episodes revolving directly around her. So it's funny that we'd notice her more.
  11. That's a good one...I say take a drink every time you think, "Man, isn't there something more worthwhile I could be doing with my time...?"
  12. And a dozen fanfic writers groan in disappointment...
  13. Very good point. Quite honestly, while I understand the necessity for the defense net around earth in Macross Plus, I found it more than a little disturbing.
  14. I wondered if that was Kat, too...maybe she's meant to Kat's grandma or something...? And I've gotta say that Lacy's new hunky STO boyfriend has death flags all over him...and not just because he had explosives in his locker. Also...I'm guessing the STO has a mole in the Caprican FBI? Someone had to tip them off that the search was coming. Anyway, yeah. I'm still kind of on the fence about the show, but it's beginning to win me over.
  15. Exactly. By the same logic, the Will Smith movie of "I, Robot" contains oceans of depth and significance, because world-renowned author Isaac Asimov wrote the book on which it is loosely based. EDIT: Man, even Memo thinks Mav's gone too far... http://www.robotechx.com/forums/7-robotech...;start=30#10285
  16. Well, let's analyze it anyway: 1. Turns out a Hugo and Nebula Award-winning novelist was approached by HG in 2003 to write a "series bible" for a planned Robotech series. 2. Tommy spent a week with said author, working out the concepts. 3. HG rejected the series bible. End of said author's involvement. 4. Tommy put a "special thanks to" note in the credits for Shadow Chronicles, because he said he used some of the concepts devised by the author. 5. Ergo, Shadow Chronicles was written by a renowned hard-SF writer and thus contains TONS of intricacies that anyone who doesn't have a master's degree cannot penetrate. *sigh*
  17. Well, at least he didn't call anyone a nazi or insult their parents. But...well, YOU like Shadow Chronicles, right? Why did YOU think it was good?
  18. I brought up that very point: http://www.robotechx.com/forums/7-robotech...;start=30#10273 (I probably should've resisted listing stuff that I *do* consider cerebral, but oh well.)
  19. It's hard to resist getting into the "my brain can pee farther than yours can" comments in situations like this, isn't it? Especially when the guy making the accusation is working on a film entitled "Thong Man and Yellow Schwartz."
  20. FINALLY! An explanation of why we don't like Shadow Chronicles: we're too stupid to understand it!!! http://www.robotechx.com/forums/7-robotech...;start=20#10268 MaverickLSC wrote: As Azrael would say: "Good grief."
  21. I remember when I was very young, I got a copy of Starlog magazine, and there was a letter from a reader protesting against the title of the Verornica Cartwright interview in a previous issue: "I was Raped by the Alien." Or something like that. It's been a long, long while.
  22. I guess you could kinda sorta say that...they were Amuro and Bright's group in Char's Counterattack. I'm getting the subbed version right now, but I kinda wish I'd spent the last few months rewatching all of First Gundam, Zeta, Double Zeta, and CCA...'cause something tells me this show's going to reward people who have good memories.
  23. It's not SO bad...Memo did retract his earlier comment (on the "Anyone else losing interest?" thread) about how criticism of Shadow Chronicles was "off-topic," so the bashing can now resume.
  24. I really, REALLY doubt that. Macross Zero was initially announced as a five-episode series before the first episode was ever released.
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