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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Don't hold your breath. One of the Macross 7 CDs ("Music Selection from Galaxy Network Chart") shows the top ten songs in the galaxy for one of the weeks in March 2045, and "Santi-U" by "Sharon Apple R" on on the charts. They explain that the "R" stands for "remake." So I guess that THIS Sharon Apple is safe... I'm still not sure she'd be a big hit, though. It seems kind of like after the Milli Vanilli scandal, when the producer trotted out the guys who ACTUALLY did the singing, calling them "The Real Milli Vanilli." And of course, they failed.
  2. Poor Sheryl...nobody wants her... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdAVoYQ5bxs
  3. That is the greatest quote I've seen all day. Yeah...the guy who created the "missile circus"...what IS his name...?
  4. And how do you propose we "force" him to defend Shadow Chronicles here? Considering that Mav's only made four posts here, and all he did was A) promote a Robotech fanfilm he was working on at the time, and B) try to bait Seto, I think the chances of him posting anything of substance here are slim at best.
  5. Or make them hot'n'sexy monotheists.
  6. Some dude painted blue would also probably kinda suck.
  7. Kresphy has a link to it in his sig (I think it's his site). I'm not getting any malware warnings, but macross.com.cn isn't loading for me anyore...at least, I let it sit for about a minute, and nothing was appearing.
  8. Yeah, you're right. It did. I wonder why he's not on the wiki page? (Neither is Desslar, for that matter. He'd BETTER be in the movie!)
  9. For Starsha, or for Okita? (Hell, they've cast women to play Aihara and Dr. Sado...why NOT go all the way and have a female Okita?)
  10. Agreed. I wonder who's going to play Starsha, though...if she's even in the movie (she's not listed in the credits at Japanese Wikipedia, and oddly, neither is Okita).
  11. Wrong film. I think he's talking about .
  12. I'll PM you the info. C'mon, Keith. You have an account at Robotech.com, AND YOU HAVEN'T BEEN BANNED YET. All that tells me is that you've been doing somethng wrong all this time.
  13. I'm not saying it wasn't justified. I'm just saying I hounded him.
  14. It did nothing. Captain Kim Kabirov deserves all the credit for fending off the lobster threat.
  15. Heh. Tell that to Pizza, since he seems to think I'm "vulgar and candid." I will, however, admit to hounding Shaloom, but only because I WANTED SOME F#&*IN' ANSWERS!!!
  16. All joking aside, that's kind of a cheap shot. Some members at sites I'm at annoy the crap out of me, but I don't think that means I have a crush on them. Still, for whatever reason, it seems as though he wants to kick Seto around some more...and really, the best way to do that would be to unban him...right?
  17. Enh, that makes sense, I think. A screen door can keep flies out, but not teeny-tiny dustmites or something.
  18. Unless, again, Mav was just trying to put one over on us. Y'know: "Ha! I'll say something dumb and indefensible, and then they'll think that I actually BELIEVE something that inane! THAT'LL SHOW THEM!!!"
  19. Sorry, silly me...YES! ORIGINAL! SHADOW CHRONICLES IS ORIGINAL!! Just like SYFY CHANNEL ORIGINAL MOVIES are ORIGINAL! Hell, it even says so!
  20. ...what fabulous prize do y'all have in store to reward the 10,000th member with?
  21. Really? So I can say anything I like and you'll never know? Ooh, tempting... Original? By whose standard? You often complained that Frontier "ripped off" Battlestar Galactica, but then praise Shadow Chronicles for introducing a race of mechanical beings who initially foil the humans by installing a back door into the human technology that allows the machine race to shut it all down? I don't understand why you call any of that "corny." Bad design decisions, sure. But corny...? I guess I can't see what was so "original" about it. It all seemed very generic to me.
  22. Doozy Bots? Yeah...that was pretty cringeworthy... I think G-Saviour is worse, though, for three reasons: First, it was actually PRODUCED; a finished product. Second, it was trotted out with great fanfare to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Gundam. They had a major milestone to celebrate, and THAT'S what they came up with...? Third, it retcons Gaiagear out of existence, which seems like it should be much more authoritative, since it was written by Tomino himself.
  24. Back to Yamato, I bring you... and THE LIVE ACTION YUKI!!! And no, I'm not making this up.
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