Hmmm...if they're going to ban all the Shadow Chronicles criticizers, they've got a big, big job ahead of them...I haven't seen many people there say much that's nice about that award-winning, SUPER POPULAR film.
And I say let Doug back on. He never makes any sense, anyway, and it's nearly impossible to figure out what he's saying. As long as it doesn't descend to the level of brawling that happened before, everything should be peachy.
1st Border Red Devil sez:
Of course not, cause g*ddamn, why TRY when you've pre-determined that it won't sell. I sometimes wonder if believe the horsesh*t they shovel. And for the record, I WOULD wholeheartedly support Big West if they wrangled the merchandise rights away from Tatsunoko and supported the series.
Much as I respect 1st BRD, I'm not sure there's much to "support" there. I believe that inclusion in Robotech is the only thing that has kept Southern Cross from falling off the map like "Super Power Robo Galatt," "Psycho Armor Gorbarian," or "Video Soldier Lazarion."