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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Maybe Taurons smell funny...? I dunno.
  2. Yeah, I'm really enjoying it now, too. Badass Tamara is badass. I kinda missed Lacy in this episode, but New Cap City was cool, and the ill-conceived fishing trip was perfectly awkward and painful (especially for that kid that Willy clobbered ).
  3. Yeah, it was kind of annoying with the first movie: 1.01 (2 disc edition), 1.01 (1 disc edition), and 1.11. But considering that the DVD version of the second movie is called 2.22, dare we hope that it's the only version that will be released...? (Until the complete box set that comes out once all the movies are done, of course.)
  4. I think you're mixing up Plus and 7. Project Supernova in Plus is indeed a Valk competition. But Supernova Live in 7 is kind of a "battle of the bands" event.
  5. Last time they did it, it CREATED the "Yamato Boom." EDIT: Awww, I'm not longer "BOMBA!" I liked being BOMBA!
  6. Cool! The 20th works for me. I'm terrible at poker, though.
  7. Hmmm...if they're going to ban all the Shadow Chronicles criticizers, they've got a big, big job ahead of them...I haven't seen many people there say much that's nice about that award-winning, SUPER POPULAR film. And I say let Doug back on. He never makes any sense, anyway, and it's nearly impossible to figure out what he's saying. As long as it doesn't descend to the level of brawling that happened before, everything should be peachy. 1st Border Red Devil sez: Of course not, cause g*ddamn, why TRY when you've pre-determined that it won't sell. I sometimes wonder if believe the horsesh*t they shovel. And for the record, I WOULD wholeheartedly support Big West if they wrangled the merchandise rights away from Tatsunoko and supported the series. Much as I respect 1st BRD, I'm not sure there's much to "support" there. I believe that inclusion in Robotech is the only thing that has kept Southern Cross from falling off the map like "Super Power Robo Galatt," "Psycho Armor Gorbarian," or "Video Soldier Lazarion."
  8. Quite seriously, I do my best to remain civil and non-confrontational over there. If I do go further, I try to make it clear that it's all in a spirit of fun and I don't mean any of it seriously. Memo seems to understand this, and our fencing bouts are actually pretty funny (to me, at least). MaverickLSC might view it differently...but hey, no one's FORCING him to say that Shadow Chronicles is full of hidden depths, or that Toynami MPCs are better because they break so very easily.
  9. Impossible. He never talks about porn, how to enlarge one's penis, or how to make $10,000 a week by playing poker.
  10. That's what I found odd. As soon as I stepped up to the plate and started asking Mav direct questions...he disappeared. I don't think I was asking unfair questions, either...
  11. True. It doesn't really mean much when they speak...unless it's accompanied with a banhammer.
  12. My favorite bit: And I'm sure Robotech is pleased to be able to please you in such pleasing ways! (cf. at 1:51. )
  13. I think Memo's being sarcastic, or just trying to wind us up a bit. It's all it good fun, let it go.
  14. That Macekre. I think Harmony Golding should mean buying something and then claiming you automatically own everything that company ever made. But Roboteching...that's a tough one. I'm not sure what that should mean...thoughts, anyone?
  15. You're making it sound entertaining. Stop it.
  16. I love that they put Space Runaway Ideon in that list, since Itano did that one as well...and it came out a year before Macross.
  17. Probably not, any more than we'll get Senkou no Hathaway.
  18. And if you switch over to the Japanese track and shut your eyes, you can ALMOST imagine you're watching a REAL Gundam movie!
  19. Don't you mean "the Chile"...and such as?
  20. Keith would agree with you, I'm sure.
  21. Hang on...I thought that, initially at least, they were meant to be Shogo and Yui from Megazone (back when Untold Story was meant to be set during the Macross Saga)... Oh well, either way, your point still stands. They're lifted from someplace else.
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