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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. My lawyers will be in touch with you soon.
  2. I'll admit it seems like kind of a jerk move to try to dictate who can and can't post...a polite request would've done the trick better. But ultimately, if a non-invitee posts their CG models, what can Datterboy do about it? He can't delete posts or levy any kind of punishment, so the "rules" of the thread are unenforceable.
  3. NOT feet, NOT centimeters. Just 0.83. It's 0.83 long. Pete said so.
  4. Of course! Thank you, Mr. Robotech Master, for making us laugh about love...again. understand the length of the SDF-1. By the way...there's only a few hours left...so MAKE YOUR MACROSS PURIST NAZI TROLL VOICES HEARD: http://sdf25tournament.blogspot.com/
  5. Yeah, it's obsurd, isn't it? We suck.
  6. Because we're bitter that Robotech has sold 1,000,000,000,000 DVDs worldwide, while Macross sold only nine. We think everything is better if it's in Japanese because it makes us look smart and interesting, when really, we're just pathetic losers. And we're jealous that Robotech has an awesome, epic storylines that spans three generations, unlike Macross, which is too short for TV. I mean, I heard they made some sequels to Macross, but I also heard they all suck, 'cause they're all about some guy in a robot that has a guitar or something. Oh, and we also are into dirty things, like Galactic Nymphos and naked 12-year-old girls in space and stuff like that. We're just elitist morons. Ignore us.
  7. Yeah, but again, that's how he does things. You either accept it, or go elsewhere. Same as any other forum. I believe Memo pays the bills...which (as we learned with the Macross Generation ruckus) is the true indicator of who has the power. But definitely, I think there are a number of people who wouldn't be there (and a couple who wouldn't have been banned) if Memo got EVERYTHING his way. Actually, if my understanding of the situation is right, it seems like a pretty good balance: Sighup knows all the computer stuff (and did a great job designing the site), so Memo can't very well get rid of him, but Memo pays for the site, which makes him pretty indispensable as well. They'll probably end up hating each other (if they don't already), but it makes for a pretty evenly-run site, despite a few hiccups here and there.
  8. I'll second that. I don't agree with Memo on much of anything in regards to Robotech and Macross, but I haven't had any problems with him, either here or at RTX. Of course, I don't take much of what he says seriously and, in return, he doesn't take much of what I say seriously...so it's all just good clean fun. Yes, some of his posts at RTX are definitely flame-bait, which is a little unseemly for an admin, but as long as no one gets angry about it, no banhammers get wielded. But still...my feeling is, RTX is HIS site. He can do with it whatever he damn well pleases. If he wanted to ban me for liking Macross more, he could do it, and I'd have no cause for complaint. Likewise, he's been entrusted with the power to do what he thinks is best at RT.com. If he wants to get in people's faces there, that's his prerogative. If I think he goes overboard there, that's my prerogative. But so what? I'm not a member there, I will never be a member there, so it's really not my problem. Let him do whatever he wants to do. It'll either drive people away, or it won't. It's got nothing to do with us, except perhaps as a source of ridicule.
  9. But even that is turning out not to be the "TV story with movie designs" retelling that it originally appeared to be. The story hews closer to the TV story than anything else, and the designs are similar to the DYRL designs...but it's definitely its own thing at this point.
  10. Was it this? http://brianscache.com/unseen/vexar.jpg
  11. The last three or four minutes of the movie change everything, don't you think? And wait until you see 2.0...
  12. Now, now...no one's tried to do that in a long, long time. Except VFTF1, that is.
  13. Or maybe Jazznik is finally trying to mobilize his private Robotech army!
  14. Nuh-uh. Mav said that all the Robotech toys are very brittle and delicate and fall apart if you look at 'em the wrong way. It's MACROSS toys that are like Fisher Price: sturdy, tough, and crude.
  15. Ah. In that case, you're both right.
  16. No, no...RedWolf is right here. The planet's name is ラクス, which can be variously read as "Rax" or "Lux" or several other combinations...but definitely not "Lex."
  17. It's like learning to swim by tossing yourself into the choppiest, swiftest currents you can find.
  18. So, uh...it's REALLY gonna be nothing like the books, huh? Too bad. I'm halfway through the first volume of Conan stories, and I'm really enjoying them. I'd like to see a good adaptation of them done.
  19. Still, my point is that you're not stating them AS THEORIES. Just putting a little "Maybe" or "I think" before each of your statements would be a great help, and ease a lot of confusion.
  20. Well, we DO try to see the funny side of the whole thing over here...most of us do, at any rate. Anyway, welcome!
  21. To be fair, some of the dripping-with-sarcasm responses to that post are pretty hilarious. For example: Yeah... ...and I'm real good at doing stories and stuff, like all about Robotech and Zor and the Minmei. And: ...be nice. I mean, you should try to be nice and stuff, , I mean, not everyone has the same sense of humor, et al, and if you take the time, you know, to show patience and stuff, and to not pick on the others, then you'll get a tangible result furthering the Robotech and the story and the Zor and the Minmei Something about putting a definite article in front of Minmay's name just cracks me up.
  22. Look, RedWolf...your theories are interesting, and they may indeed be correct...but I think that if you STATED UPFRONT THAT THESE ARE YOUR ASSUMPTIONS, others would be more willing to engage with your ideas. There's a massive gulf between "I believe that the battle pods are based on the Vajra" and "The battle pods are based on the Vajra." ANd if someone can pull out a bit from Macross Chronicle or something that proves you wrong, then you've just been proven wrong, and should probably let it go. Facts beat assumptions. Always.
  23. More brilliance from Robotech.com (not Maverick for once): Lets give Carl Macek a chance,since he's back lets give him the chance, i mean come on! he did a good job on Sentinels and the Robotech Story,yeah he made a few changes about it but hey look at the bright side he can make a difference in Robotech!! I know Tommy did a good job in Shadow Chronicles and made a few comics but can anyone revive the old Robotech Spirit from back in the day? maybe now that Carl is back and with the new technology lets give him a chance So, um...the writer thinks we should...give Carl Macek a...chance...? Did I get that right?
  24. It's on the A-sheet, from issue 29.
  25. Yep, as Freiflug hinted, that's not Ranka.
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