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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. To sneak into the girls' locker room, of course! Duh!
  2. It's also a long-running tradition for DAPDX episodes to have their own threads, be it about Macross, Gundam, Five Star Stories, Mospeada, or Hollywood Zap. I don't really see the problem with doing the same for Gunbuster.
  3. As I've said before, that's what I hate about all of this...there is so much that EVERYBODY is in the dark about that getting a clear picture of the situation involves far too much speculation.
  4. I wonder if the good people on the forum at macross.co.jp would have any insight...? Or am I just barking up the wrong tree?
  5. Back on the legal front, there's one thing I've been wondering about for a couple of days now...correct me if I'm wrong here: Studio Nue created Macross at the behest of the (what was the name..."Uisu"? Something like that) Corporation. Uisu (or whatever they were called) folds, and Big West steps in to finance the series. Big West doesn't have enough money to do so, and calls in Tatsunoko. Tatsunoko now has part ownership of Macross. They're also listed for DYRL; but after that, Big West and Tatsunoko part ways. Does anyone know what the deal is there? Was their agreement only for the series and the movie? If they'd had a successful partship (and, Star Pro episodes aside, no one can argue that it WASN'T successful), why didn't they continue working together? And why would Tatsunoko give up that partnership?
  6. I like watching anime while on LSD, lying on the floor with my head towards the TV screen, so that I see everything upside-down. Am I a terrible person? Keith, I know you're passionate about this, and I watch subs EXCLUSIVELY, but please don't get all authoritarian about what people should or shouldn't do when watching their own DVDs. We should all just be grateful we're no longer living in the time when subs were more expensive than dubs, and harder to find. Back on topic, while it's not eactly "current," I'm finally getting around to watching "Now and Then, Here and There" (or, more accurately for Keith's sake, 今、そこにいる僕, which is not at all the same title). I'm only five episodes in, and it's already depressing the hell out of me (i.e. I think it's great).
  7. I find Jeebers' post more annoying than Rhade's.
  8. Oooh...a Macross Plus comic is starting up? Cool!
  9. http://sdf25tournament.blogspot.com/ THE RED BIOROID IS BEATING THE DESTROID MONSTER??? Make it stop, people!!!
  10. *whew* That was a close one. EDIT: I especially like how the first poster (another Robotech fan who can't spell! YAY!) says he watched Robotech before (and apparently loved it), and the first reply tells him "How to Watch Robotech." Easy, pardner...the guy's already seen it...
  11. And yet...there is TONS more Macross stuff out there, if people just bothered to look... Oh wait, that's right. Macross doesn't have the "epic feel" or "Westernized [i.e. 'improved'] storytelling" of Robotech. And you don't get to find out what happens to Hikajoo Jojo, or whatever Rick Hunter's name is supposed to be.
  12. Yes, very cool time. And I probably should've bought the Mospeada book...
  13. "If I told them once, I told them a thousand times: put 'Spinal Tap' first and 'Puppet Show' last."
  14. You forgot Step 3.5...MAKE SURE IT'S F*CKIN' AWESOME!!!!!
  15. Indeed. I think it's a very GOOD thing, and is the reason why Galactica was such a satisfying show. The sci-fi action scenes were cool, but you can't build an entire show around that...not if you want it to be any good, that is.
  16. Well, if it's going to be a prequel (and it pretty much HAS to be, right?) I really want to see "The Misadventures of Gaius Baltar: Boy Genius." Or maybe a heartwarming classroom sitcom: "Welcome Back Roslin."
  17. Someone get a rope.
  18. Nice. That Gundam G-3 looks stunning. But I wonder if it'll have any Macross-related art that we haven't already seen, courtesy of "Valkyries" and Macross Chronicle?
  19. The funniest testimonial we've ever had, though, came well before this thread came into existence: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=9057
  20. Yeah, JT's really self-aggrandizing that way, isn't he?
  21. In his own mind, he probably thinks he's speaking truth to power, as well as wreaking mighty, righteous vengeance 'pon those who have wronged him.
  22. I'm pretty sure Gort was Pizza. Gort held all the same positions (Robotech is great and all, but HG needs to work harder to please the fans; oh, and the Maia reissue sucks just as hard as the original) and had the same grammatical quirks (commas instead of peroids, and no spaces after punctuation). Babygirl83, of course, also has those quirks. We'll see if "she" starts posting more or not...
  23. Maybe it has, maybe it hasn't (just because he hates HG doesn't mean he's a Macross fan, after all). If all goes well, we'll never know...since he'll have no forum on which to opine.
  24. I said that? I mean, I figured he'd go back to loving Robotech and talking about "that farce Frontier" and "japcrap" and all that, but I don't think I ever thought he'd become an HG fan ever again... You should know, you were there! It was for the racist video, and his inability to see that it was racist. And for being a Robotech fan who came here solely to talk shit about other Robotech fans or something.
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