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Everything posted by Gubaba

  2. I don't know, to be honest. On the Macross Compendium, it says it's the "Fire Bomber American English Anticipation Manga," which is two pages long and was done by Haruhiko Mikimoto. But there's no information about what it contains or how it was sold. iMacross IV has an "English Anticipation Manga" uploaded, but I think it's a mistake, and that it not the same thing mentioned in the Compendium.
  3. Um...Macross 7 Trash happened only on Macross 7. There's no Macross 11 or Fire Bomber American in it.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nYWKLD0WHA
  5. I got my info from http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ビ|...#12473;ト Not sure if that's better or worse...
  6. That's not entirely true...they did "G-On Riders" in 2002, and "Shima Shima Tora no Shimajirou," which ran from 1993 to 2008, and its... (remake? Sequel? I dunno...) "Hakken Taiken Daisuki! Shimajirou, which is currently ariring. Not the most impressive of resumés, but they ARE still at it.
  7. "I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex."
  8. I just figured the answer was "With destruction." Isn't that what happened when Mankind's children came home?
  9. Zinjo, you're a great guy, but this is EXACTLY the kind of stuff I hate when this topic comes up. Full of suspicions and accusations, but not a single fact to back any of it up. Things like this muddy the water rather than clarifying it.
  10. Yeah...but Macross II has officially and repeatedly been stated to have been relegated to an alternate continuity. No one has said anything of the kind about FotSW. Not saying you're wrong, just saying that's an awfully big conclusion to come to from not much information. If the extra reports had said that the episode was non-canonical, fine and dandy. But they don't. So I'm no sure what you're basing your argument on.
  11. So...did anyone else figure out the answer to the Host's riddle?
  12. Long, but highly worth it: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discu...27vy&page=1
  13. Huh...I never thought of it that way. I never got the feeling it was non-canonical, especially since Chlore has her own character sheet...
  14. Don't mind Wanzerfan. He's always wrong.
  15. Which is, as far as I'm concerned, a lame and inadequate excuse...just as DYRL being "a movie within a movie" fails to convince me. My feeling is that these are stopgap answers to throw at overzealous continuity hounds...I much prefer just ignoring the discrepancies completely and not trying to figure out "what actually happened." As long as there are no major retcons (like, for example, saying that Focker actually survived Space War I, or that Isamu was actually test-piloting the YF-24 in Plus), I'm content.
  16. Knock yourself out (so to speak): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv39WKUCScg
  17. I don't think the dog scene was just for shock value...as Ghost Train said, it shows Daniel's increasing frustration; plus, it shows the lengths Zoe will go to to keep her identity secret. Her fear is pretty dangerous... Vergis visiting Amanda was a pretty bold move. But I get the feeling he's several steps ahead; the bid for the C-Bucs seemed bizarre at first, but then he explained his motives. I get the feeling that he got exactly what he wanted out of the encounter with Amanda, whatever that may be. Poor Amanda...getting played from all angles.
  18. Ah, forget the Alex...Amuro should've gotten the G3!
  19. Don't mind Wanzerfan. He's always wrong.
  20. Really? I find the 08th MS Team to be much less Gundam-y than 0080...
  22. Funny. I really don't like the mecha designs (except the Alex) since everything seems WAY too advanced for that time in the UC calendar, but I loved the story. I thought it was great how everyone was doing EXACTLY what was necessary for them to do the right thing...and then it all falls apart anyway. I also liked a lot of the deft little touches that show a little more clearly what daily life on a colony must be like.
  23. ...who was based, by the way, on Matsuda Seiko:
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