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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. The best part of any Scorpions album is usually the cover.
  2. What's weird is that my friend who said that was one of the biggest anti-Scientology crusaders I know. But he really liked L. Ron Hubbard's science fiction (except for Mission Earth...I don't think he even ATTEMPTED that one).
  3. http://www.robotechx.com/forums/32-macross...;start=60#10008
  4. "They're ALL after me lucky Macross designs!"
  5. I think you CAN go deeper with Eva, but there's always the danger of going TOO deep. (In other words, I agree that the "symbolism" is just window dressing, and not meant for analysis.) And, speaking as a die-hard Eva fan, I always appreciate it when people a genuinely funny when talking about it. So yes, "Rubik's Cube of death" had me laughing. Good job, I thought. I hope you'll do 2.22 when that becomes available.
  6. To play devil's advocate for a moment, let's say UEG did do everything that their critics are alleging: that they wanted to use Genesis to boost their for-profit studio, business center in the Bahamas, all that nonsense. What does it gain Harmony Gold to let this info come out through whispers and rumors? It seems that the practical thing to do would be to put a big front-page splash on the website saying something like, "UEG PRODUCTIONS IS IN NO WAY AFFILIATED WITH HARMONY GOLD" and then giving a little run-down of the situation, as vague or as specific as they please. It benefits them not at all to have the UEG supporters "shape the narrative," as it were. Just turns it into another PR problem for a company that already has enough low-level grumblings about its business practices. Silly, silly, silly.
  7. I know someone who saw it twice in the theater. That same person saw Battlefield Earth three times in the theater, and proclaimed that anyone who DIDN'T like it just hated Scientology.
  8. And again, HG claiming infringement because of Robotech AND MACROSS trademarks opens up a whole world of fanartists for them to go after...
  9. http://www.robotechx.com/forums/31-general...ne-too-far.html 1. Read link. 2. Commence rage.
  10. Yes, we know. You've told this story many times before.
  11. I'm...I'm inclined to agree with you. That does indeed make perfect sense.
  12. She ordered helicopters to go check out the shore before Vanessa detected Zentradi units approaching from the water.
  13. That always weirded me out, too...maybe being "quick-thinking" isn't a virtue in the world of Macross...? That would explain Hikaru's dithering over the love triangle in the final episodes as well...
  14. Finally watched the entire episode. Good stuff. Makes me wish I could read the novels... (I tried. The Japanese is REALLY difficult.)
  15. Mid-season finale, apparently. Not that that makes the wait much easier, of course... Next episode: September 17.
  16. DAMN!!! (uh...how long until next season...?)
  17. Stpp teasing us with stuff like that!
  18. He was? I believe he was working for ADV at the time...as such, Harmony Gold would be a rival company, no?
  19. Carl Macek wasn't with Harmony Gold when the ball got rolling.
  20. "Q" was good... Here's one that I remember seeing on TV as a kid...and even then, I understood how shitty it was: Invasion from Inner Earth
  21. So if I get permission to bring a DVD of, I dunno, Zardoz to some country where it has never been shown, and I show it publicly...then I can claim trademark to Zardoz in that country? Cool.
  22. No idea...perhaps we should ask the scriptwriter (in this case, Sukehiro Tomita, who of course was also the scriptwriter for DYRL and Macross II). If I were to guess, I'd say they'd probably throw in stock footage of battlepods, but leave the VF-19 untouched. Why strap decorative FAST Packs onto the thing if you're just going to cover it all with CGI later? Agreed. Also agreed.
  23. Not so fast: Outlaw of Gor Now I win.
  24. You're beginning to sound like Redwolf here...
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