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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. So what day is the wedding set for?
  2. The third movie was so insanely mind-blowingly awesome that it didn't even NEED Jennifer Love Hewitt OR her breasts in order to rocket skyward to the rarified world of DIRECT-TO_DVD RELEASES!!! (In other words, she wasn't in it.)
  3. Inexperienced? For a MASSIVELY POPULAR TENTPOLE FRANCHISE THAT MILLIONS ARE CLAMORING FOR??? Hell, look what the man did with another AWESOMELY INSANELY MEGABLOCKBUSTER FRANCHISE: the "I Know What You Did Last Summer" trilogy of terror! The third one was so definitive and so mind-blowing that they never made a fourth one! (Actually, I have to give "I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer" credit: the twist ending was SO unexpected and SO out of left field that I gasped at the audaciousness of it.)
  4. I have to admit...I really want to read that script.
  5. No, it's the novelization of the OVA.
  6. I saw the first movie and thought it was...all right (which I guess means I would categorize it as overrated). It was stylish and fun, but its reputation at the time for being "deep" was completely unwarranted. Considering my lukewarm reaction to it, when I started hearing reports about how even people who really liked the first one didn't like the second, I figured I'd just skip it. I still haven't seen either sequel.
  7. When Guld attacked her.
  8. One of the things I think is... (strange? funny? I'm not sure how to put it) is Macross 7's lack of a score. Anything apart from Fire Bomber songs and a handful of other songs written for the show is taken from II and Plus, but never from SDFM or DYRL (except of the Macross 7 Docking Festival album...that uses a fair amount of SDFM music). I'm sure there's some kind of bizarre contractual deal behind all of this...
  9. OVERRATED: Macross - Do You Remember Love UNDERRATED: Robotech - The Untold Story
  10. I think you're thinking of the Macross Quarter.
  11. You're absolutely right...sorry. I hang my fanboy head in shame for the moment...but I'll be back with an argument for why the Koenig Monster would be a feasible and practical thing to build in the near future.
  12. What...? I can't hear you...I've been listening to Minmay songs and reading Macross the First all day today, so I'm a little out of it...
  13. Okay then...here's another novel cover for you:
  14. Is there something wrong with me that I think the most useful post in this entire thread was Sketchley's link to the American Spelling vs. UK Spelling site...?
  15. It's always weird to see one of my scans turned around and presented in this thread...
  16. It was on the EXPENSIVE AIRMAIL RELEASE shelf...
  17. I have NO F*CKIN' CLUE was that was about! But it's beautiful. I was there in the afternoon, about 3:30 or 4:00. It seems like they're shaking things up a bit...no Macross 7th Code in this issue, and it looks like a different artist has taken over Macross F: Secret Visions. Next issue, the Macross Plus comic starts, but it looks like it's just an adaptation of the show. Macross the First is really beginning to depart from the source material, and it's moving at a pretty fast pace. It's hard not to feel bad for Hikaru in this chapter...not only because of Minmay's behavior, but also because of his atrocious fashion...
  18. *whew* Big day at Kinokuniya today...Macross Chronicle #45, Gundam Ace #92, Evangelion Vol. 12, and my requisite two copies of Macross Ace... It looks like, according to Miyatake, that the QF-3000E is the "Ghost" and the X-9 is the "Ghost Bird." Which is strange, of course, because everywhere else, the X-9 is just called the Ghost...
  19. It was created by our very own Anime52k8.
  20. Ecole du Ciel is "on hiatus." Every issue of Gundam Ace has a placeholder article about Ecole, but I don't think there's been any word about when it will be coming back. Personally, I hope he's been working on it a little at a time, and will end it soon.
  21. Yeah, it would be Region 2. There no US release, unless you stumble upon a Hong Kong bootreg or something. There's also a low-quality version drifting around on the internet.
  22. http://sdf25tournament.blogspot.com/ C'mon people...we all know the Monster could defeat Rick F%ckin' Hunter, don't we?
  23. Actually, Max kinda looks like the guy from Otaku no Video...
  24. Yes. It's on the final DVD of the Japanese version.
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