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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Here's how to do Man-Ranka (Manka?) right:
  2. You find the oddest things to get upset about...
  3. No. Just no.
  4. CoryHomesRated...a unique brand of awful.
  5. That's right...I remember hearing about that a while back, feeling excited about it, and then forgetting all about it. I hope it'll turn out to be good, if it gets made.
  6. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It won't stop me from buying the DVDs, though.
  7. On that note, why does it seem to be impossible to make a good Lovecraft-based movie? The only good ones are Reanimator and Ghostbusters, and neither of those are terribly faithful to the source material.
  8. • Better than Myspace for promoting your band. • Can emote effectively when talking to your Meltrandi "childhood friend." • A great way to impress all the chicks! Especially those that happen to be falling.
  9. Why hasn't anybody talked about "The Story of Ricky" yet?
  10. Maybe you should change your avatar to this...?
  11. But, but...CGI robots are expensive...
  12. Oh, goody. More unfunny Bayformers "comedy" performed by an otherwise really good actor (cf. John Turturro).
  13. Where do Kim, Shammy, and Vanessa fit in?
  14. Well, the extras are pretty scant, and the Easter Eggs are even, um, scanter. But the Ishiguro interview runs during episodes 35 and 36. Switch the audio tracks and the subtitle tracks and you'll find it. I HIGHLY recommend it. Very interesting stuff.
  15. Aw, crap. I suppose I owe you a new keyboard, huh?
  16. *a-HEM!* Do you have me on ignore or something? This is like the third or fourth time I've mentioned movie X, and then you've come in and said, "How come no one's mentioned movie X yet?"
  17. *yawn* I beat you that one, a couple of pages ago:
  18. I wouldn't go that far...but it does get pretty good.
  19. No, SIGHUP's right. Watch the "Easter Egg" interview with Noburo Ishiguro on disc 9 of the AnimEigo release. The interviewer asks him if something was "going on" between Misa and Global, and Ishiguro answers that yeah, there might have been. He also says that he thinks the Macross's continual bad luck was due to Global bad karma.
  20. Overrated: CoryHolmes's taste in entertainment.
  21. Glabal's dialogue on that page is the same as in the series (i.e. weighing the pros and cons of a transformation), so if he's checking Gina out, he's keeping it to himself. That said, I'm ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that he IS INDEED checking her out. Global's a quiet, restrained lech, but he's a lech nonetheless.
  22. Look. I understand you're bitter and frustrated with your dealings with the Robotech mods. I also understand that they've abused their position and participated in witch-hunts of their own devising. But to call me a hypocrite is WAY out of line. Even after his "conversion," Pizza STILL laid into me whenever he got the chance. He accused me (falsely) of sending him "vulgar and candid" PMs, and (also falsely) of trying to bait him into getting himself banned on RTX. Hence, my dislike. Memo could lay the banhammer on me at RTX at any time he likes; hell, he probably SHOULD. If I were him, I wouldn't want someone like me around. But he doesn't. It's been a pleasant surprise, and it'd be pretty churlish of me to accept his hospitality and then turn around and insult him. If he pisses me off, I'll leave. If I piss him off, he'll get rid of me. Until then, what business is it of yours what I think? I'm not asking you to agree with me, after all. I'll admit, I haven't been following this too closely after the initial reports. But yeah...if it went down as you say, that's unforgivable, and truly malicious. I'll check it out, and see if I can find anything more concrete than the rumors and editorializing that are flying about now.
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