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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. About as many times as we're forced to see "Robotech: Astro Plan" promos.
  2. To quote the Mad Hatter, "Start at the beginning, go through the middle, and when you come to the end, stop." There are a couple of different ways to approach Gundam...the two I would recommend would be either A. Start with the original Mobile Gundam (series or movies, it doesn't really matter) and then proceed chronologically through the series (MS Igloo second, 08th MS Team third, 0080 fourth, and so on). B. Start with the original Mobile Gundam (series or movies, it doesn't really matter) and then proceed through production order (Zeta Gundam TV series second, ZZ third, Char's Counterattack fourth, and so on). This is assuming you don't mind "dated" animation, of course (which, on Macross World, is usually a safe assumption).
  3. Oh, come ON, people...the pic is posted was clearly meant as a joke, not as a serious comparison of two diffrent styles...
  4. No context...just a simple comparison between the art styles of two different cartoons.
  5. No. Technically, all the sequels except Macross II are sequels to SDFM TV. There's some fudging with the designs, however. You, um, really SHOULD watch some Macross at some point, you know...
  6. Oh wait...I think I get it now. Wanzerfan, I guess, hates the DYRL designs, but he'd rather see THOSE turned into a live-action movie than see it use Tommy Yune designs. Is that right?
  7. I just don't know what he means by "The sequel of the original Macross series." Which sequel is he talking about? II? Plus?
  8. Be my guest. I'm with Seto: I can't figure out what Wanzerfan's trying to say.
  9. First time I ever read about using computer for animation assistance was a in helping to make a rocking boat in the Black Cauldron. Later, of course, there was Lensman...
  10. I know it's been mentioned in another thread, but since this is the proper thread, I might as well say that the DVD and BD of 2.22 are out.
  11. I seriously doubt it. The SDFM History sheet #15 is Max and Milia's wedding. #16 is so far absent. And #17 is the capture of the factory satellite. As much as you like Macross II, would you really Chronicle to skip the truly climactic battle of SDFM...? Oh, and in Macross: A Future Chronicle, the big battle against Bodolzaa is called "the Lynn Minmay Operation." It's not solely a Macross II term.
  12. NOW they are...I remember going in there in early 2008 to pick up the Macross Frontier manga volume one, and they said they weren't going to carry the series... EDIT: Thank goodness I'm no longer a "nuker of gay, unborn space whales"...
  13. Those are two good and interesting questions. There have been no official answers for either of them, however.
  14. Actually...I've always thought that the story behind Fire Bomber American rather eerily echoes Robotech... That Fire Bomber creates music, Fire Bomber American takes that music, translates it (sort of) into English, and then claims credit for the whole thing.
  15. I've never been to Fukuoka...I've heard it's nice, though.
  16. Well, there you go then. You can say EXACTLY the same thing about every...um..."oddity" in the plot.
  17. Do you know when you're going next?
  18. THANK YOU FOR THIS! I stayed at that hotel for three months at the end of 2007/beginning of 2008, and looking at those backstreets brought back such a flood of memories...
  19. If you watch the extended version of "Pegasus"...it's not a near miss. It really depends, I think, on how you view it. Just remember that famous Arther C. Clarke quotation... A good litmus test: Did you think the Temple of Athena stuff was "magic"?
  20. In the San Francisco store? I have no idea... In the L.A. store, it's on a big display with a big of other robot anime books.
  21. Most likely. And even if not, they can probably order it from the Los Angeles store, where they had several copies as of last Saturday.
  22. Isn't it still playing in some theatres...?
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