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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. But Palladium was banking on people using the figures for other purposes, right? I mean, why else pick a scale that works with Battletech but doesn't work with the other RT "generations"?
  2. (Not really sure why it needs three credited scriptwriters, though...)
  3. Roman Polanski's version has yet to be topped... I'm interested to see if this can do it.
  4. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42800
  5. If far away, the Queen is naked!
  6. Feeding the beast is wrong, JB0.
  7. Yeah, it's been pretty boring.., almost done with Chapter 3, though! Probably tomorrow! Thanks for reading!
  8. For what it's worth, I think the first Nightmare on Elm Street is the best teen slasher film of all time, narrowly beating out Black Christmas and Halloween (the originals, obviously, not the remakes). It sounds like I'm damning with faint praise, but I'm not... It's a really good film.
  9. May.
  10. Unfortunately, unless someone puts on another production, there's no way to see it without a time machine. But yeah, she was pretty much a badass, and the way she talked about her grandfather suggests a happier ending than the liner notes from Macross 7 Docking Festival indicated.
  11. Ouch! Now that's darn rude... Anyway, it was supposed to be part of the joke, since even in the radio drama, nobody remembers who he is.
  12. The announcer from the Macross 7 Trash radio drama, who gets annoyed that nobody knows who he is. He's here, at about 30 seconds in. http://youtu.be/Wd2b8sa3Q6s
  13. No, what's a dick move is starting a thread asking about favorite characters, and then getting pissed off when they're characters you haven't heard of. If that was part of the criteria, you should've specified it.
  14. Can you be less condescending about it? thanks.
  15. And it surprises me that no one's even asked who he is...
  16. That would be obvious.
  17. So... If Arcadia likes money, they'll make the VF-4 and Destroids, and the cash will just roll in, right? That totally worked for Yamato, didn't it?
  18. I'm just disappointed that no one else likes El NiƱo Gumpy. I can't be the only one...
  19. It's kinda disheartening when a fully new translation that I've been working on for months and months keeps losing out to a 32-year-old pic of wrestling Meltrans.
  20. I don't think is going the way Valkyrie Driver had hoped...
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