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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Hmmm...did I miss something? I thought you were a fan of Bendo's...
  2. Yeah, I think most people would agree that Season 3 was uneven...the beginning was INCREDIBLE, and the ending was, too...but there's some real draggy parts in the middle. Kinda makes me wish there'd been a mid-season break. The show seems to be at its best when either creating or resolving a cliffhanger.
  3. I'd see it if it were directed by Guillermo del Toro.
  4. I believe all the Bandai Eva kits are "non-scale."
  5. Do you REALLY have to ask what OUR answer will be...? If you ask on Robotech.com, you'll get a different answer, of course.
  6. Oh, it'll probably be out evenutally...but consider: Eva 1.0 came out in Japanese theaters in September 2007. The Japanese DVD of 1.01 came out seven months later. Followed after another year by the Blu-Ray 1.11. In late 2009, the US DVD of 1.01 came out, with the 1.11 Blu-ray coming out in April of 2010. If that schedule holds, 2.22 will come out in the US in 2012. The third and fourth movies will probably come out in Japan in 2011, with US Blu-ray coming out in 2014. And the boxset would probably be out in 2015. To me, that seems like a long time to wait...but maybe I'm weird.
  7. What Keith said. Also, he's co-directing (with Masayuki, who directed Evangelion: Death), writing the scripts, and doing some of the storyboarding.
  8. For syndication on US network TV, yes, they usually need 65 episodes (13 weeks of material). Cable television (like Cartoon Network, which shows Gundam) and weekly shows go by different rules. In the '70s and early '80s, it must not have been an issue, however, since both Star Blazers and Speed Racer had fewer than 65 episodes...
  9. I loved the bit where Panthro killed the prostitute.
  10. I'll be arriving in about two and a half weeks...
  11. Enh. Good pilot episode, mediocre show. And the British pilot was better than the American one, anyway. The "blipvert scene" didn't cut away, for starters...
  12. Enh...I wouldn't go THAT far. Ohnogi's racked up some pretty important writing credits, Ishiguro directed LoGH (which alone is enough to cement him in awesomeness), Mikimoto is still a stunning artist with some pretty important manga work to his name as well as a lot of character designs...and Itano...well, it's the circus, isn't it? It's STILL influential, and as Macross Zero proved, he's still a pretty amazing dogfight choreographer.
  13. Ummm...yeah... How could I forget that...?
  14. True (although those generally seem to be the people who think Kawamori directed Macross 7), but to rate Macek higher...? That's just weird.
  15. Enh, I'll let someone else handle it... Let me just point out in passing that Wanzerfan says the guy who WAS INSTRUMENTAL IN CREATING Macross "has his head up his ass," but that the guy who EDITED Macross together with a couple of other shows was "a visonary." That says it all, don't you think?
  16. Yeah...Voltron had two cool robot designs, but it was completely bowdlerized for its American run, which most likely leads to its lack of praise. I think it's one of those where you can get the toys now and appreciate them...but watching the entire series again is more of a chore than a pleasure. At least, that's my assumption...since I haven't watched the show since it first aired, and I was never really into it in the first place...
  17. Well, I updated the Table of OCntents for the penultimate time... I'm kinda going to miss this...
  18. That's sad. I have to note however, that in reading a couple of obituaries about him, not ONCE as anyone called him a "visionary creator" or anything like that. Why does Carl Macek get all the laurels, as "the man who made anime popular," and as the "beloved creator of Robotech," whereas Peter Keefe just gets, "Producer of Voltron." And, um...first Macek, now Keefe...is Sandy Frank long for this world...?
  19. Hmmm...I'd LIKE to refute that, but I can't think of a reasonable defense...
  20. It's a girls' comic, Roy...
  21. Well...Ranka already has TWO series (admittedly, only one of them is still continuing as of now), so it's probably time for Sheryl to get one as well. And yes...there are WAY more comics for Macross F than there have been for any other Macross series, but so what? Macross F is what's big now, strike while the iron is hot, blah blah blah. If it hadn't been for Macross F, we wouldn't have gotten Macross Ace magazine, or Macross Chronicle, or the new Fire Bomber album, reissues of nearly all the previous soundtracks, or Macross Ace Frontier and Macross Ultimate Frontier. Yes, Frontier is the spearhead of the merchandise, but more material for the older shows IS coming out, and coming out a higher volume than it has at any time in recent memory. So pick what you like and ignore the rest.
  22. Enh...I'm not going to start picking up a monthly girls' comic magazine just for one title...I think I'll wait for the collected volumes.
  23. The thing I hate about threads like this is that the original poster asks, "Where should I start?" which can be taken as a pretty cut-and-dried question. But it usually turns into Poster A saying, "Well, Show X is great, so watch that first, but Show Y sucks, so don't watch it." And then Poster B says, "No, Show Y was incredible. Show X is the one that sucks." And Poster C comes in and says "Show Z is the only one that's good," and so on. I always take the question to mean, "Which series does not require knowledge of the franchise as a whole in order to understand it?" In which case, there is only one answer: the original TV series, or the original movie trilogy. Mr. March's suggestion of 0080 is not bad (it's a short series, and a powerful story, and thus might whet your appetite for more), but it spoils the end of the original series. The same is true of most of the shorter OVAs. The first is the only one that doesn't assume you know the world or the characters, which makes it the perfect entry place.
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