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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Robotech or no, this is too damn awesome NOT to participate in: http://robotech-character-clash.blogspot.com/
  2. Five months before, yeah.
  3. I cleaned up a bit before visitors arrived...
  4. That's why I stuck the cover into the final binder... But yeah, it should've been a pull-out sheet. Luckily, most of the listed errors are rather minor, like the wrong kanji in Misa's name on the VF-1J sheet.
  5. There's a book of Macross sheet music which contains it: http://www.amazon.co.jp/マクロスALL-SONG-BOOK―歌って歌ってデカルチャー/dp/4054040950/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1276560199&sr=1-6 It's pretty cheap, and I'm sure it can be shipped internationally.
  6. Well, that's partially what the errata sheet was for in thew final issue.
  7. At the beginning, I figured they probably had everything planned out, but clearly those plans started changing a while back (with the revised Production Data sheets). I'm guessing that some of the Event and Goods sheets had to be added into the plan and the magazine progressed, cutting out some other stuff (such as the never-materialized "Tribute Sheet"). I think I would be glad if they pulled an Eva Chronicle and made more issues in a few years, both to cover stuff that they didn't get to, and to cover the Macross F movies (and whatever comes next for Macross).
  8. Yeah, I saw that, too...and THAT, more than anything else, makes me realize that Chronicle was most likely designed to be sixty issues or so. Anyway, MII Character Sheet #3 MUST have been for Wendy Ryder...but I'm not sure about the others...
  9. No, his name in both Macross AND Robotech is pronounced Foe-ker. For some reason, the creators decided to spell his name wit a "ck." It's like how :Glaug" is the official spelling, but it's pronounced "Glahj."
  10. And more importantly, why were you responding to a post from six years written by a user who was banned two years ago?
  11. Yeah, they kinda are...
  12. Since Wanzerfan yet again offers no proof, I'll just post this instead:
  13. You mean, Hanoi Jane's HUSBAND, surely...
  14. My favorite part is this: “…as much as it has a very strong robot element, this is a movie and a franchise that is driven by characters — these five people that in some or another are a representation of all of us. It’s really about how you have five different personalities working together in order to come together to form Voltron.” Exactly right. When I think "Voltron," what's the first thng that pops into my mind? Robot lions? Puh-leeeeze. It's obviously the downright Chekovian characters, and their vibrant, nuanced, and deeply truthful interactions. Too bad Ingmar Bergman is no longer around to direct this tender character study...but maybe Woody Allen would be willing to take it on.
  15. Why spend time on the VF-2JA when you can dwell on more awesome things, like Mylene's classy and extensive wardrobe?
  16. BEING A COOL AND PROUD ROBOTECH FAN IS PRICELESS! For everything else, you've got Macross.
  17. Okay...it's obviously been too long since I watched that interview...I'll break out the AnimEigo DVDs today... (Incidentally, my first-ever thread on the old MW was entitled, "So what was going on between Global and Misa?")
  18. I wasn't trying to kid anyone, I was just being sarcastic (which is why I put the at the end of the sentence). A while back, some people were clamoring for Memo to get rid of SIGHUP, since he allowed too many "Macross Purists" to be on the site. One of the guys there is STILL worried that the site will never surpass this one. It's funny, isn't it?
  19. He got it from the interview with Ishiguro from the AnimEigo DVD set. Basically, at the beginning of the interview, Ishiguro says he turned on the TV and saw this dreadfully bad show...and then realized it was Macross. (I haven't watched the interview in a number of years...I might be getting some of it wrong, but that's the gist of it.) Of course, it was meant by Ishiguro as a funny little anecdote to start the interview off with, not as a definitive, complete statement in and of itself. But Memo will take what he get where he can get it. Oh, it's RTX. I'd never join RT.com. But (according to SOME people) RTX is run by Macross Purist conspirators, so it's a-okay.
  20. I will...unless he's too busy banning Zinjo or something.
  21. Oh yeah...back when he was called the guys from Destroy All Podcasts about twenty different epithets for "homosexual" and ranting about Tommy Yune's "flat face" and "small penis." Good times, good times. Not bad, not bad at all. Although he's convinced that Noburo Ishiguro thinks Macross is terrible. I've tried to disabuse him of that notion, but no luck so far...
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