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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Quite good, actually. Much better than my Japanese.
  2. I had dinner with Tenjin this evening, thanks to Renato and Save. Y'all are jealous.
  3. Yeah, that was definitely cool. When I watched 1.0, I thought, "Why didn't they update it to an iPhone or something?" But the explanation made perfect sense.
  4. Huh. I guess you can make a case for that, but it's still far from air-tight.
  5. Okay, I think it's time you fessed up... You're just PRETENDING to be that clueless, in order to make Robotech fans look dumb, aren't you? A brilliant and subtle parody, to be sure, and you had a lot of us going for a while...but i've finally seen though it.
  6. Ah, so then I'm sure you ALSO realize that he wrote that post in 2006, well before the DBZ movie came out, right? Meaning that you post is entirely superfluous...?
  7. The opening is definitely a rip-off...the rest doesn't sound terribly similar.
  8. I'd love to, but my scanner is packed up in a storage space in Los Angeles, and I'm in a budget hotel in Tokyo. I'm afraid you'll either have to ask someone else, or wait until I buy a new scanner...which probably won't happen until August or September.
  9. Didn't you see the end of the trailer? "Hurry, Star Force! You've only got 158 days before the movie's release!" That's, um...a somewhat loose translation. Anyway, it's coming in December.
  10. Just picked it up a couple of hours ago. - Yes, it's quarterly now. - Not sure if I like the new paint job on the VF-1J...but I guess that, as a compromise between Hikaru's TV and DYRL Valks, it's as good as any. Strangely, they show a VF-1J head "refined" by Kawamori (which looks like what would've happened if they'd made a VF-25J), but it's not used in the comic itself. EDIT: Nevermind. They DO use the new head...it's only obvious in a couple of panels, though. - Macross the First carries the story up to the Daedalus Attack. And Hikaru doesn't have to call over the poloroid robot...Minmay just snaps a pic with her cell phone. Oh, and Roy takes a shower. - There's an interview with Miyatake about Destroids. - The "Nyan Dra" Drama CD adaptation series covers "Galaxy Memory," the story about Grace bringing up Sheryl. - "SMS Tales" moves to Macross Ace (previously, it was in "Newtype Romance," I believe). - There's a new Macross Plus comic...but it looks like it'll be just a straight retelling. - Lots of collected volumes coming out in September: The First Vol. 2, SMS Tales Vol. 1, Macross F: Secret Visions, Vol. 1, and Frontier Memories (collecting all the short stories from the magazine).
  11. Cripes, I was at that show, too... That first night sucked, sitting on the floor and waiting for the power to come back on. I remember Miki on the second night telling everyone to rip some of the bas-relief figures off the columns, because the club sucked so much. And I was a HUGE fan of that dog. Good band... I still see Petra and Rachel when they play, but I lost touch with Anna and Tony...
  12. Huh...we must have been at some of the same shows... I was never good friends with Weezer, but we had mutual friends, so I talked to them a bunch of times. Matt Sharp gave me a promo copy of the blue album a couple of weeks before it came out, but the best was when I got a backstage pass to their first show at the Universal Amphitheater. Hanging out with a few friends, talking to Rodney Bingenheimer (with a blonde on each arm) and Gene Simmons was a truly surreal experience.
  13. Yeah, I saw them in '92 or '93 at UCLA's Royce Hall...pretty much the same set list that ended up as Toward the Within. And yes, it was a stunning show. I also saw both Brendan Perry and Lisa Gerrard solo in '94 at 4AD's "All Virgos Are Mad" festival...in fact, I almost knocked Lisa Gerrard over turning a corner inside McCabe's...she glared at me something fierce...
  14. Oh hell yeah...I saw My Bloody Valentine in concert back in 1992, and it blew me away. I also saw Lush about four or five times. Had a chance to see Ride, but I missed it. I was totally into pretty much everything released by 4AD at that point...Cocteau Twins, Dead Can Dance, His Name Is Alive, Pale Saints, Ultra Vivid Scene...I don't like all of it as much now as I used to, but there's still some damn good stuff. No one beats the Stone Roses, though.
  15. Even as a kid, I thought it was weird that Batman would be falling or whatever, and would take the time to say, "If I don't get the grappling hook out of my utility belt and catch that craggy outcropping in the next two seconds, I'm finished!" Why not just DO it, man?
  16. "This film is not yet rated." I wonder how much they'll have to cut to avoid an NC-17...
  17. I think you're being WAAAAY too optimistic about the scope of this series. Certainly, I don't think they're going to do anything that hasn't warranted a Hasegawa kit (or Bandai, in the case of the VF-25). A YF-21/VF-22 book would be nice, but I'm not sure there's enough demand for it. VF-25 is a no-brainer (although they'd probably best wait at least until the second Frontier movie comes out), but anything else seems like a tough sell.
  18. Unfortunately, the Chronicle only covers the Zentradi-piloted bomber (seen in your pic) and the orange target drones that launch the dummy missiles at the YF-21.
  19. Macross Chronicle.
  20. Huh...I thought she did some of the other issues as well... I stopped collecting all the comics at issue #6, although I saw some random pages later (obviously, since I posted pics from them...). But yeah...I had Macross #1 (paid $15 for it back in the day...which was A FORTUNE for a comic book for me, since I was 11). For a while, I actually thought that "Rick Yamata" and "Lisa Hayase" were the authentic Japanese names (there was also the strange pronunciation of "Gerwalk" and "Jer-walk," but that's another story...).
  21. Mike Leeke was the penciller throughout most of the Macross Saga, I believe. Carl Macek's wife Svea also did some of the issues. I'm not sure who the inkers were.
  22. Oh yeah...it's great. Mikimoto who?
  23. That's who I voted for...unfortunately, I think she's losing so far...
  24. Nah, I think it's just a bit of harmless fun. We all know Rick Hunter's gonna win, though...
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