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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. "Inertial Store Converter." http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28072&st=70&p=695196entry695196
  2. But, doesn't that conflict with the Justin Bieber Smile Time Variety Hour? So let me remind you to TiVo:
  3. Baiting? Moi? How dare you even suggest such a thing, sir!
  4. Ah. You're a Tori Amos fan as well as a Justin Bieber fan, eh?
  5. Are you implying that I don't have manners and fairly good people skills...?
  6. But...but...no one mentioned the Gamma Fighter...they were talking about the Invid Overlord...
  7. Maybe it's Eiji Kurokawa.
  8. Bah...I'm a very polite and presentable chap. True, I think I freaked out Tomo Sakurai, and I once almost knocked over Lisa Gerrard, but apart from that there have been no unpleasant incidents. And, uh, don't listen to Sherilynn Fenn. If she says anything bad about me, she's lying.
  9. Well, *I* recently discovered I live in the same ward the Satelight office is located in... Are we up for an expedition?
  10. They're the arrangements from the "Mari Iijima Sings Lynn Minmay" album.
  11. Rule #3: If it's made by a Chinese company (like "Dong Seng International"), it's a bootleg! The Mac7 movie would have to be from Bandai Visual to be legit.
  12. The notes on the video you linked to say, "intro music by George Strompolos." So you have the artist...
  13. Since no one on MW works for Kadokawa, I doubt anyone here would know.
  14. If it has subs, it's not legit. Where did you buy it?
  15. Probably taken from the Central Anime fansubs. As far as I know, no Macross stuff has ever been legally released on VCD.
  16. The DVD is definitely for me...but these days, I'll be able to just walk into any old DVD shop and buy it.
  17. I'm really sick of correcting Wanz. Does someone else want to do it for me...?
  18. *sigh* Anime52k8 was talking about MY avatar, not BeyondTheGrave's. But, uh...thanks for providing the latest installment of "The Wanzerfan Follies." How's that search for the missing Robotech test footage going? Find anything yet?
  19. Even after watching that twice, I still can't figure out what the show's about. Live-action Turbo Teen? Optimus Prime on Slimfast? Power Rangers meets M.A.S.K.?
  20. Huh. I thought we'd all agreed on not uploading Chronicle stuff, in hopes that they'll make a book collection...
  21. Maybe they'll update it...Bill and Ted's Epic Lulz, anyone?
  22. Classy, Wanz. Real classy.
  23. Dare I hope for a "Mylene Jenius Sings Kate Bush" album...?
  24. Still better than Ark II.
  25. Early 2007, in the first news release about the films.
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