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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I've found the best way to deal with it is to realize that continuity is not much on the creators' minds, and shouldn't be much on yours, either.
  2. Tonight we're gonna party like it's 1966! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oig8z4HvBL8
  3. Watching all of Macross 7 in such a concentrated dose is hazardous to your health. Unless you're Keith, that is, but he's addicted to the stuff.
  4. Sweet Jeebus...the disco medley on The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle sounded tougher than this: On the plus side, you can understand every single word.
  5. DAMN! I don't think that was there an hour ago... EDIT: Secret Visions showed up as well: http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/comic/bk_detail.php?pcd=201005000515
  6. I stand by what I said earlier. After you drop the hysterics, Seto, we can talk. Not before.
  7. It's also on the Kadokawa site. Still no cover for Macross F: Secret Visions or SMS Tales, though. http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/title/index.html?t_id=000037
  8. Oh yeah, his accent when he's speaking English is wretched. When I saw the movie in the theater, I found the Japanese subs during that scene to be easier to understand than his dialogue.
  9. I don't really detect any kind of dialect from him...but I'm bad at picking up pretty much anything besides cartoonish exaggerations of the Kansai and Hokkaido dialects...
  10. Oh, I get it now. You think the tripe you posted above is actually worth responding to. How adorable.
  11. Seto, whether or not you're personally offended, you're still registering a 10.9 on the Overblown Rhetoric Scale. Tone it down a bit, and THEN we can talk.
  12. Oh, chill out, Seto. You're getting worked up over nothing.
  13. True. I don't really care what he likes and what he doesn't, since his rationales for why something's good or bad are usually asinine...I'd just like to know why he gets everything so WRONG. But I suspect he can't explain that, since he doesn't seem to realize he's doing it.
  14. Ghibli and One-Piece, man. Ghibli and One-Piece.
  15. I just checked...no, he hasn't. I hope he does, though. I was really enjoying that series.
  16. The idea of alien forms of life (animal and vegetable) reminds me of the ecological invasion that happens in David Gerrold's War Against the Chtorr books...but I'm probably drawing connections where none exist.
  17. I disagree. I think he's simply a "Factual Error Generator" that someone devised as a joke, but which then gained access to this board and started trolling it.
  18. And who cares about spelling the name of the artist correctly...
  19. Classic Movie 'Avatar' Updated For Today's Audiences SEPTEMBER 10, 2010 LOS ANGELES—Paramount Pictures confirmed Monday the Dec. 23 release date for Avatar 2KX, a remake of the beloved 2009 sci-fi thriller Avatar that will bring the story into the modern era with faster-paced action sequences and cutting-edge visual effects. "Avatar was a true classic of its time, but today's audiences demand a state-of-the-art immersive experience that goes beyond the kitschy charm of the original," said Paramount CEO Brad Grey, who ordered producers to cut 40 percent of the original script's dialogue, simplify the moral so that the humans are now the protagonists, and add several Na'vi sex scenes. "Our hipper, bolder, and updated movie is sure to resonate with younger generations and older fans alike." Grey had no comment on speculation that Avatar 2KX would feature cameos from one or more of the original film's surviving stars. Full story here.
  20. Aaarrgh...wish I could've gone...
  21. I really find it hard to tell which one of those is worse..."Teenagers from Space" wins points for having a "Dead Hero's Head Appears in the Sky" scene, but "Beginning of the End" has the flat-out awesome "Deaf-Mute Gets Eaten by Grasshoppers" scene. Tough call...
  22. I just find it ironic that the ONE TIME Wanz says he's not sure if he remembers correctly is also the ONE TIME he's been correct about anything.
  23. That little "plip plip" sound you hear is the last few drops of your credibility dribbling away...
  24. I think he meant they had the POTENTIAL to attract hundreds of talented people, but squandered that opportunity.
  25. Dude...I am so gonna try to get into that show...
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