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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Now THAT'S a Robotech comic I'd read!!
  2. You mean Vol. 6, don't you?
  3. Maybe they just wanted the guy to look good in comparison...
  4. Nico Nico link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12293310
  5. Oh, David Bowie and Marc Bolan...what have you wrought? Anyway, I think I've found something better...
  6. I remember reading it in Robotech Art 1...
  7. I'm sorry...what does this have to do with life in Tokyo again...?
  8. http://www.robertchristgau.com/get_artist.php?id=1720&name=AC%2FDC Back in Black [Atlantic, 1980] Replacing Aerosmith as primitives of choice among admirers of heavy machinery, these Aussies are a little too archetypal for my tastes. Angus Young does come up with killer riffs, though not as consistently as a refined person like myself might hope, and fresh recruit Brian Johnson sings like there's a cattle prod at his scrotum, just the thing for fans who can't decide whether their newfound testosterone is agony or ecstasy. AC/DC can't decide either--"Shoot to Thrill," "Given [sic] the Dog a Bone," and "Let Me Put My Love Into You" all concern the unimaginative sexual acts you'd imagine, and "What Do You Do for Money Honey" has a more limited set of answers than the average secretary would prefer. My sister's glad they don't write fantasy and science fiction, and if you're female you're free to share her relief. Brothers are more deeply implicated in these matters. B-
  9. Ah, yes. Another has-been I've never cared about. Who are you going to bring up next...Jim Nabors? Burt Convy? Gallagher?
  10. No, I can't say I have, considering that I've never actually listened to anything Wayne Newton said. Or sang, for that matter.
  11. I'd be careful if I were you... Areaseven is smarter, and he knows how to hang on to a grudge.
  12. Another of Wanz's favorites:
  13. Excellent...? *snort* Whatever you say, bro.
  14. But he didn't. Didn't you read this and this? (And it's "Kawamori," by the way, not "Kowamori.")
  15. Damn...that takes me back...
  16. Okay, I gotta admit it...overall, I'm disappointed with Macross Ace. I love Macross the First, some of the gag comics are pretty good, and the columns and interviews are often interesting (when I can devote the hour or more that it takes for me to read them), but the other comics...? The best, I think, is the Nyan-Dra drama album adaptation series. Macross F: Secret Visions LOOKS great, but the story hasn't grabbed me yet. Macross 7th Code is...puzzling to me, and not in a good way. Both of these series have potential, but I'm not sure if they'll reach it or not. And the Macross Plus adaptation simply seems pointless. The art isn't very appealing to me, and the story so far is simply a retread of the series. Personally, I'd like to see more of the Gundam Ace stable come over and do some work for Macross Ace. I'd love to see Masato Natsumoto or Ark Performance contribute to the magazine. I also wish they'd bring in Mizuho Takayama, who did Mylene Beat and illustrated the Dynamite 7 novels. As it stands, I'll keep buying every issue...but there's not much for me to get really enthusiastic about.
  17. If my nephew wants to go, I'll go. If not, I won't.
  18. Yes and no...the first volume is close to completion, but I've been working a lot more, and have less energy and time to devote to the project. I'm also VERY uncomfortable about uploading something new (i.e. still in print). I really don't want to cut into the sales of the comic at all.
  19. I should also point out that, just like the first volume, the book #2 has some changes from the magazine version...including adding the Pinpoint Barrier Girls to Chapter 5.
  20. I think he first one is the weakest, and they get better as they go on...or maybe I simply got used to the shifts in animation quality, and the cut-to-ribbons story. Either way, I ended up enjoying them...but I haven't watched them a second time.
  21. It's like a flying battleship!!
  22. Minmay's rather...notorious...on the ship now after being found trapped with Hikaru in the hold, so Global's hesitantly saying, "Ah...you're that girl everybody's talking about..." but Misa cuts him off, and snaps at Minmay, since it's forbidden for non-authorized personnel to be on the bridge. The thing that I find interesting about this scene is that, during planning of the show, Minmay was originally just going to be a minor character whose sole purpose in the show was to trot Chinese take-out up to the bridge...which is of course what she's doing here.
  23. I totally agree, but I can see why Doraemon's not there...not because he's not "mecha" (he pretty much is), but because the article is done from a mostly western viewpoint...else why would Golion be there? I'm just thankful it's not SO westernized that Gundam Wing was represented instead of the original Gundam...
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