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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. DAMN YOU, SPINAL TAP!!! I can never hear that song without thinking of "Stonehenge"...
  2. Ah, Iczer-1...I loved it when I was 14, but now I just find it embarrassing... I believe it's also the first anime to ever feature "naughty tentacles"...
  3. Good question... More to talk about, maybe? The original series + DYRL is much longer overall than Plus, and as such, its "world" is more fully fleshed out.
  4. So what did you think of Kamujin's attack? Weird, huh?
  5. The second movie will be a sequel to the first movie (why does this question keep coming up? Shouldn't it be obvious?). As for which is canon, let me answer your question with a question...Does "canon" matter for ANYTHING in Macross?
  6. I'm not so sure...but I'll PM you about it.
  7. As Frothymug said, it WAS a dramatic scene...and I did indeed like it. Yes, I was joking by saying it was my "favorite scene," but that's no sillier (or more inflammatory) than than a lot of stuff I've seen written about Ranka, or Alto, or Nanase, or Brera, or Shoji Kawamori, or Megumi Nakajima, or any and all Ranka fans. I quite honestly don't see what was so different (and thus, trollish) about my post.
  8. Heh. I just nearly got my head bitten off at Animesuki for praising that scene...
  9. I thought it was good...not stunningly awesome, but good. It was totally worth it, though, to see
  10. Yeah...a gift from his dead mother...why would anyone be attached to something like that?
  11. Dem's fightin' words.
  12. You've never met an Orc, have you? Let go of your stereotypes, man. They're not ALL bad...that's just media hype.
  13. You've been drinking too much of the "kulade," methinks.
  14. I know I should probably keep my mouth shut and just leave well enough alone, but I gotta admit I hate these "What's next for Macross?" threads. The same ideas get rehashed again and again, but they're never ideas that will form the foundation of any Macross series. Supervision Army...Hikaru and Misa's kid(s)...the Protoculture...these are mysteries that are usually only pondered by the Macross specialist, not the common viewer. NEW implausible ideas would at least be tolerable, but they're all the SAME ideas everyone's been bandying about for years, and sometimes a decade or two. Meh. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood. Ignore me.
  15. Kawamori "refined" the 1J. Tenjin did the 1D and (I believe) the 1S. I think there's too much zip for it to be successfully colorized, really. Although the whole thing's done on computer, so I suppose it would be relatively simple to replace. Personally, I don't care if the whole thing's in color, but I would like more color pages...like Gundam the Origin, which switches to color whenever there's an "iconic" scene. EDIT: And, uh...not "all" of us want to see a redone TV series...
  16. You just don't appreciate my genious.
  17. Here's my entirely awesome Frontier artwork masterpiece. I'll allow you to cherish it.
  18. You're the second person who's said that...whatever make you think the second movie wouldn't be a sequel to the first movie?
  19. You're saying it wrong. It's pronounced "Muh-CROSS," actually, and it's like Robotech, but Chinese or something.
  20. Enh, they'll just farm it out to Anime Friend, who'll farm it out to Star Pro. And Star Pro sucks. Best to keep it "in-house," most likely.
  21. Zeta Plus, E.T., Tron, and Komilia... Nope, nothing strange about that. Why are you puzzled about it?
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