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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. 7 and Frontier are the only ones unresolved, although if the liner notes for the latest Fire Bomber album are to be believed, Basara never returned to the Macross 7 Fleet after Dynamite 7.
  2. *jaw drops* Oh, man...I am so there...
  3. What's an Excalibur?
  4. Enjoy the ride, man.
  5. Minmay is and always has ben a VERY popular character among Japanese fans. Sometimes more, sometimes less than Misa...but always popular.
  6. Checking the book...yes, you are completely correct. How come I never noticed that paragraph before...?
  7. Well, it's really easy to find out for sure. Just look at Macross Perfect Memory. At the end, they have comments from all the staff, listed by where they worked. So just look for the directors, storyboarders, and writers, and you'll know.
  8. It happens to all of us, I think. For me, it happens whenever anyone complains that there's no fansub yet, a week after something has been released... "I waited TEN YEARS to see DYRL with subs, and the subs I saw were crap! And I had to walk twenty miles through the snow to get to the shop..." EDIT: A suggestion: Check out Executive Otaku at THAT Animeblog. He watched Frontier first, loved it, and then went back and watched all the other Macross shows and blogged about them. Interesting stuff.
  9. So, simply put, if someone likes what you like, then they're okay. If they don't like what you like...well, that's okay, but a little weird. I've seen a lot of recent fans who have seen Frontier and ONLY Frontier, and they're as hardcore as anybody. I'd call them "Macross fans." Ditto a lot of the people who have seen Plus but not the others (and those people DO exist). I think it's fine. At least they're not repeating themselves (although some people assumed that's where Frontier was going, and never got past that aspect of the show).
  10. Do we really need to go this route? Randomly deciding who's a fan and who isn't? 'Cause it's kinda lame.
  11. 01.Songbird - Ranka Lee=Megumi Nakajima 02. We Don't Need "Silent" and Stuff Like That - Sheryl Nome starring May'n / Ranka Lee=Megumi Nakajima 03. Interstellar Eve ("Interstellar Voyage" Christmas Version) - Ranka Lee=Megumi Nakajima / Sheryl Nome starring May'n 04. Ranka's "Socks Song" - Ranka Lee=Megumi Nakajima 05. Liebe ~ the Light of Illusions - Sheryl Nome starring May'n 06. Getting on Board - Sheryl Nome starring May'n 07. Merry Christmas without You - Sheryl Nome starring May'n / Ranka Lee=Megumi Nakajima / frontier stars <Alto, Ranka, Sheryl, Michael, Bobby, Monica, Lam> 08. Doublet - Sheryl Nome starring May'n / Ranka Lee=Megumi Nakajima
  12. Good point.
  13. Are you sure he had completely autonomous control for Plus, Zero and Frontier (I'm excluding 7 because, again, he came up with the idea and designed the Valks, but I don't think he had much involvement with the actual production)? At the very least, are you sure he had less freedom than he did when he was directing DYRL? The only people I ever hear comparing Kawamori to Lucas are people who haven't the first clue about the production of any Macross series. They latch onto the name "Kawamori" and throw everything from Marijuana references to control freak assertions at it...none of this has any basis in fact, and the more you investigate, the more you find out how EVERY Macross series is a collaborative effort. That said...yes, Zero and Frontier were done by Kawamori's own studio. But I'm not sure he was quite as "hands on" as you're portraying him.
  14. I shake my head sadly at your naked and ugly display of envy for my God-given talent.
  15. Yeah. Comico also mentioned it in Robotech: The Macross Saga #2 to explain why the title had changed. That's not the same as putting it in the actual show, though. Is that the reason Big West isn't listed? Source, please? Because the staff members for Southern Cross and Mospeada are likewise not listed...and I don't think anyone who worked on those shows sold their rights to them... As for Star Blazers...both Nishizaki and Matsumoto are mentioned in the credits. But the credit says "produced in Japan," and Nishizaki was indeed the producer. The only original staff members mentioned in the Robotech credits were Kenji Yoshida and Ippei Kuri...Yoshida produced Mospeada. Ippei Kuri was the head of Tatsunoko. I don't think he directed any of the episodes of any of the three shows. No, I didn't. Nor did I say you were wrong about them. But you said that neither Voltron nor Star Blazers mentioned their roots, and it's untrue that Star Blazers didn't. I was correcting your factual error, not arguing with you. Big West complained? When? Mentioning the people who ACTUALLY MADE THE SHOW is only important to "fundamentalists"? What are credits for, then?
  16. Okay...do you really know what you're saying here? Kawamori helped plan SDFM TV. He co-directed DYRL. He didn't write or direct any of Macross 7. (Incidentally, the had writer and script supervisor for Macross 7, Sukehiro Tomita, was also the writer for a bunch of episodes of SDFM TV, and he also wrote DYRL and Macross II. So before you start bashing one Macross series with a different Macross series, it might be a good idea to find out who did what in each one. So people show up in surprising places.)
  17. Oh really? Check 0:33: "Originally produced in Japan by Yoshinobu Nishizaki under the title 'Space Cruiser Yamato.'" Again, I must've missed the "originally produced in Japan" portion of Robotech's credits. No, there's no real push to import new Yamato stuff...all that starblazers.com has is insightful, well-researched articles about the history of Yamato and Star Blazers, tons of translated interviews with the original staff, and a tremendous photo gallery of vintage Yamato merchandise. Which is far better tan anythng on RT.com
  18. Bah! You're just jealous of my superior artistic prowess. And anyway, you use MS Paint. I use Gimp. Totally different.
  19. I *highly* disagree. If I sponsor a dub of, say, Full House into Vietnamese, that doesn't make it a Vietnamese show, no matter what I do to alter the plot. Now, HG doesn't necessarily have to stick to that style, but, like it or not, Robotech is as American and Godzilla, kung-fu movies, and telenovelas. "Originality" has never been part of Robotech. Why start now?
  20. I like ALL Macross...SDFM, DYRL, FB2012, II, Plus, 7, 7 Gin, Plus Movie Edition, MD7, Macross Generation, Zero, Frontier, Frontier False Diva...all of it. Is there something wrong with me...?
  21. TOMMY YUNE. Obviously.
  22. No. They must be rushing the production because they're quaking in their boots about the upcoming threat of the Robotech movie.
  23. "Oh, looky! We're a bunch of nerds with suppressed anger issues who are suddenly cool because we're HEAVY METAL!!!"
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