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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. No, but it's in the sunscreen ad that comes with the DVD.
  2. Maybe...but her method of drying off was rather spectacular.
  3. I know...but why pay money for shitty subs when you can wait a bit, and download nice subs free?
  4. Bieber Eating A Twiglet (On A Talk Show)!!! Justin Bieber and Spaghetti Cat!!!!
  5. It's a bootleg. The first version of English subs JUST came out days ago, so it's highly unlikely that they're on this DVD. Don't get it. Wait.
  6. Yeah, I'd agree with that. No, the books moved slowly, too. I'm totally NOT an impatient reader (having read a good percentage of "the classics" and especially relishing post-WWI European Modernists like Proust, Joyce, and Mann, who generally wrote huge books (Proust is 3000 pages plus) that have no plot to speak of), but I find the first half of Fellowship of the Ring to be INCREDIBLY tough to get through. The second half is only marginally better. The last time I read the books, it took me more than a month to read Fellowship, but only three weeks to read The Two Towers AND Return of the King, appendices included. And yeah...most of the time, a miniseries or something would be better. And then you've got weird situations like The Neverending Story, where the first movie only adapted the first half of the book, but the second movie wasn't based on the second half...
  7. Back when Macross Plus came out in the US, I kept hearing rumblings about Macross 7, and I really wanted to see it...but before I realized that the video rental shops in L.A.'s Little Tokyo area carried it, I found Kinokuniya, and bought "LET'S FIRE!!" Being a fan of weird, alternative music (4AD was my favorite record label, and I was hanging out with a lot of the local L.A. bands, like That Dog and (occasionally) Beck and Weezer), I was horrified when I popped the CD in, and heard synthesizers and harmonicas. Then I watched the show, and my feelings about the music didn't improve. But for some reason, I like it all now (even though I think the production on the music for the TV series sounds a little TOO clean and "professional." "Dynamite Fire!!" is the first album that sounds as tough as I think Fire Bomber SHOULD sound. And "Fukuyama Fire!!!" is EXACTLY what the doctor ordered). Yes, I even like the harmonica.
  8. That's been worrying me, too...Gundam Ace last month said, "Ecole du Ciel: Returning soon...?" and this month had "Ecole du Ciel: Returning next month!" Now, I like Ecole du Ciel...but I love Macross the First. So yeah...I share your hope.
  9. We had that it the US, too. "Clash of the Bionoids" was the cut version (which I never saw) and "Super Space Fortress Macross" was the uncut version (which I have). I even got the Kiseki sub at a con...it wasn't a copy/bootleg (or if it was, they did a remarkable job with it, given mid-'90s color printing technology) but it was formatted for NTSC rather than PAL. That said, it had the UK film rating on it, so maybe it WAS a bootleg...
  10. Enh, I still dislike the notion that books only exist so that movies may be made out of them. Most good books are intensely non-cinematic. Books are generally good when they're interior, that is, they convey the characters' thoughts, feelings, and impressions. But thinking is difficult to convey in a film. For me (and I know I've mentioned this before), a good example is the banquet scene in Dune, where EVERYTHING each character says carries an intended double or triple meaning. The book follows Jessica's thoughts as she interprets what everyone is REALLY saying. It works beautifully in the book, but would be impossible to film successfully.
  11. Roland Emmerich's gonna direct the Foundation movie. It'll suck.
  12. No, I'm not razzing him at all. It's just that Wanzerfan often posts things that are completely factually wrong (like that Buddy Holly was a bebop singer, that the Japanese government prohibited any depiction of Hikaru Ichijo after the voice actor died, or that there was a scene during the original test broadcast of Robotech that used Megazone 23 footage (despite the fact that Megazone 23 didn't exist when Robotech started broadcasting)), but then he gets upset and annoyed when people tease him about it.
  13. Not really. My point is that anime has a lot of touches that seem not to sit well with a lot of westerners, ranging from nudity and sexual situations to rather bizarre scenes that are rather avant garde. Personally, I (obviously) like all the little bits that seem bizarre (the ending of Akira, the entirety of The End of Evangelion, the pure outrageousness of Fist of the North Star), but I can understand why others don't care for it. And it's not like Western stuff isn't often bizarre as well...
  14. I've been there many times. It's not too bad.
  15. Remember when I made a list of all the things you'd gotten wrong? It was a long list. And if I were to make a new one, I'm sure it would AT LEAST twice as long. Please look at HOW MANY TIMES you've "put your size nine boots is your mouth" before you say that anyone razzing you for it is being "extreme." It's really not hard to be correct, but it takes a bit of work. You refuse to do that work, and you make spectacular mistakes nearly every time you post. I don't care where you are or who you're talking to, that's going to get you laughed at no matter what. The good news is that it's all under your control. Sure, your reputation here is currently shot, no one likes you, and everybody thinks your posts are inane, error-riddled tripe...but if you actually CHECK YOUR INFO BEFORE YOU POST, you can start gaining back some of the goodwill and respect you are currently missing. It's all up to you. Erm...many people. John Wyndham was one of the most respected and beloved science fiction authors to come out of the UK in the '50s and '60s. As such, the book has always been in print since its original publication, and it's usually pretty close to the top of any "best sci-fi books" list...or even "best British books of the 20th century."
  16. I'm not saying it's a bad thing (mind you, I'm not saying it's a good thing, either). It just seems to be how it is.
  17. That's much of the appeal for anime fans. For the general audience that Macek was targeting, all that seems to end up happening is that they complain that, while they like some anime, most of it is "too Japanese" or "too weird" for them. I think there's a middle-sized group of people in the west now who don't reject anime outright, but don't embrace it, either...and seem to NEED the kind of "smoothing the edges" that Star Blazers, Voltron, and Robotech (among others) provided.
  18. I know I would! Way better than that wimp, Peter Cetera! But seriously...does ANYONE still care about Chicago? If they do, they shouldn't.
  19. *sigh* New York is shaped like a grid, and most of the streets are numbered. It's actually quite difficult to get lost there.
  20. Macross Generation.
  21. They're completely sold out from the publishers, so your best bet would be, yes, Ebay...or Amazon.co.jp. Vol. 002 Vol. 003 (Wow, they're charging a hell of a lot for Vol. 003...it's GOTTA go down at some point... )
  22. Yes, the '80s Appleseed OVA is based (more or less) on Appleseed Book Two and the newer movie is based (also more or less) on Book One, but there are too many divergences from the original story in the two films to consider one a "prequel" to the other. For all intents and purposes there's no connection between the OVA and the movie, other than source material.
  23. Mylene apparently didn't end up with Basara...but that doesn't necessarily mean she ended up with Gamlin, right? But then there's also the recent comic, Macross 7th Code, which shows Basara in City 7 well after the events of Dynamite 7, so...who knows? Well, the SCRIPTWRITER for Frontier said it was unresolved, and the ACTRESS WHO PLAYED SHERYL said it was unresolved...so, uh...yeah... For me, at least, it's unresolved.
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