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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Oh, be patient. I'm sure it'll suck just as bad as the last two did.
  2. Galaxy S has them all beat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB7nMNjt5u0
  3. kiri kiri kiri kiri...
  4. Well...Carpenter's always been an oddball director, straddling the line between b-movie schlockmeister and auteur. It should be no surprise that the mix misses more often than it hits, and that even his fans remain divided on which of his films "work" and which don't. As for The Thing, I like it, but I don't love it. Roger Ebert in his review pointed out two flaws that nearly ruin the film for me: first, the scripts reliance on stereotypes for the characters, and second, the characters' sometimes dumb behavior (RULE #1: FORM A BUDDY SYSTEM, GUYS! DON'T LET ANYONE WANDER OFF ALONE!). The movie manages to slide by on creepy atmosphere and the horror of the Thing itself. Really, one of the best monsters ever. And uh...I ended up assuming that BOTH of the "survivors" were replaced by the alien, and that the world was pretty much doomed. But that may be because later, Carpenter called the film the first installment in his "Apocalypse Trilogy"...and the using word "Apocalypse" kinda spells it out for ya.
  5. I think you mean Variable Fighter.
  6. I didn't edit my post...unfortunately, I can't do magic things.
  8. Bah...so now it's just like the mid-'60s and before, where most people bought the singles, and only the hard-core fans would shell out money for entire albums (that were mostly filler anyway). Damn the Beatles and Bob Dylan for making ENTIRE ALBUMS that people would want to buy! Take me back to the good ol' days when 45s ruled (and 78s were still being made...sometimes)!
  9. Because he's being sarcastic, silly.
  10. No, no, the topic is for WORST scenes, not AWESOMEST scenes.
  11. Nine posts in this thread and no one's mentioned the knife fight...? Y'all are gettin' soft.
  12. Not true... Kawamori apparently had the design from the get-go: http://macross.anime.net/fallacies/index.html#Mecha
  13. Just as long as you realize that NONE of this talk about the New UN Forces and anti-government movements that's been going on has ANYTHING to do with the story. Macross the Ride is about a couple of people who race Valkyries. I doubt it'll get much wider in scope or import than that. I definitely don't have time to translate the thing, but I'll see if I can skim it and come with a short summary every month or something. Maybe.
  14. I think you're misremembering...she mostly just sat watching in shock as the other girls laid into each other, and then says, "Scary. These people are unbelievable. I'm the only one who doesn't know anything."
  15. I don't really think she did anything conniving in My Fair Minmay...what exactly are you referring to?
  16. How do you figure? She's pushier in the comic than she was in the series, that's for sure...but she doesn't strike me as especially manipulative or conniving...
  17. That's... unusual...
  18. It is. They're only showing it in three theaters in all of Japan, and only eight screenings per theater.
  19. Why wouldn't it be? Two more hours to spend with characters we know and love, beautifully rendered and with great music. What's wrong with that?
  20. I don't even think it's all that much like LLA...only a couple of the videos use much recycled footage.
  21. I got to the theater twenty minutes early, hoping to get some Macross swag, but there was none. All the stickers and posters and movie programs were for Harry Potter. Feh. While hanging out in the lobby, along with a few young geeks, a number of 40-ish men who were clearly old-school fans, and a whole lotta high school girls, I stood near the "Wings of Farewell" Ranka-as-Magical-Girl poster. Four high school girls walked up to it, cooing, "Kawaii!" And then they took pictures of it. I guess we now know what demographic that poster appeals to. The theater was nearly full, but not completely. There were two empty seats behind me, and a few others scattered around. But it was a big theater (oddly, it was EXACTLY THE SAME theater where I saw Eva 1.0 a little bit more than three years ago. Funny). There were previews for some movies I don't care about (like the Kamen Rider movie), but, as I expected, there were trailers for May'n the Movie (which got a laugh from the audience because it was projected at the wrong angle: the bottom of the image was about halfway up the screen...thus, when May'n spoke, it looked like the camera was avoiding her head and focusing on her chest. The projector guy quickly fixed the problem) and "Wings of Farewell" (I was hoping for a new trailer, but it was the same old one we've all seen). And then "Nyan Cli" started. A lot of reviews of "The False Diva" compare it to DYRL. "Nyan Cli" seemed like it would be the equivalent of "Flashback 2012," so comparing the two seems apt. As you may know, FB2012 was essentially a music video collection, sandwiched by a few minutes worth of new (and stunning) animation. "Nyan Cli," it turns out, is nothing like that. Probably more than 50% of the footage is completely new. None of it is essential, but most of it is a lot of fun. Spoilers follow: So yeah...very different from what I was expecting. The way the credits were separate for each video (and that each one had different staff) makes me think that this is really just a way for the different animators at Satelight to strut their stuff and try to outdo each other. And as a short, fun "jam session," it works beautifully. If you like Sheryl, you'll love at least some portions of it. If you like Ranka, you'll love some others. If you like both, then this is a must-see, since it's really a forty-minute love letter to both of them.
  22. You mean ONE beautiful character design from Mikimoto...he only did Eve. Hirano designed the rest. I rewatched Megazone Parts I and II again recently (for the first time in a LONG time) and was quite shocked to learn that the area where the police are hunting Shogo near the beginning of MZII ("he's in Kichijoji!") is the same area where I currently work. In fact, you can even see my building in one of the shots.
  23. One of MY problems is that I had the Dune Encyclopedia (which, admittedly, is long out-of-print, and while Frank Herbert endorsed it, he also said in the introduction that he'd feel free to contradict it in future books, if need be), and, from my understanding, pretty much everything in that book was swept aside in order to make the prequels. Which of course is their right to do...but doesn't sound like anything I'd want to read. My feeling is, the Dune books are not just cash-grab quickies, but genuine GOOD BOOKS, and worthy of study. As such, instead of cranking out tons of Dune-lite books, they should publish Frank Herbert's notes for Dune 7, either as an appendix to Chapterhouse, or as a short book on their own. Similar things are often done, but the one I'm thiking of is F. Scott Fitzgerald's final novel, The Last Tycoon, which incorporates all the chapters he had finished writing, and then goes on to present his summaries, outlines, and notes for the rest of the book. It's respectful, educational, honest, and classy. Why can't they do the same here?
  24. I think John Clute said it best in the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction: "Parts of this bad film are close to masterful." I still don't think it's worth it, but hey...whatever floats your boat. Just remember that it's one of Wanzerfan's favorite films.
  25. The existence of the cynical little cottage industry Brian Herbert (and New York Times Bestselling Author Kevin J. Anderson™) have created around faux-Dune books angers me no end...it's much worse than Christopher Tolkien and his empire, since he mostly just edited his father's works.
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