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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Maybe the Spiderman reboot is really Robotech in disguise, as well!
  2. How could have seen 2 or 3 Five Star Stories animes? They only made one film. And if you look at the manga, you will see just how deeply the world of FFS is developed...the full story covers thousands of years (or billions, depending on how you count it) with dozens if not hundreds of characters, lots of jumping back and forth in time and space, and pages and pages of explanatory notes to keep things clear. It would be impossible to adapt the whole story as a film of any kind.
  3. It's MUCH too complicated to become a successful anime...unless they did a "Gundam Evolve" type of thing with short films that reenact scenes from the story. Anyway, I'm glad Vol. XIII is coming out eventually, and since I was sucker enough to rebuy the English versions when they reprinted them, I'll probably be sucker enough to buy the reboot. Oh well, at least Nagano hasn't forgotten about the series...which is what I was beginning to fear.
  4. I think that announcement came from Maverick LSC, who has never been famous for his scruples or his insider information.
  5. Yes...Yes, it is.
  6. Sho Hayami is a legend among voice actors, too, though.
  7. It was a couple of posts above the one you quoted: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32483&view=findpost&p=891738
  8. Bah. Again, he's not any kind of "Number One." Funny how the screenshots he uploaded merely serve to prove me right. This one is the most telling: Again, you'll see that the episodes are arranged by date rather than by popularity. Full download bars for all. And there they are...the illegally-uploaded Frontier songs. So someone goes to iTunes, knowing nothing about Bendo, downloads "Aimo," and Bendo claims that person as a fan of his. And yet again, the episode popularity meter shows that the Frontier songs are more popular than anything he's said himself. Also, I think it's really funny that he devoted a two-and-a-half-hour podcast to calling Jasonc a thief for uploading Tommy's pic of the SDF-4 (or whatever it was), and yet Doug himself is doing exactly the same thing here. By Doug's own definition, he's a thief. But hey...on the plus side, on Robotech X, I got three votes to go on his show! (Well, only one, really...but Memo and Mav both posted in the thread, and since I know they're fans, I added them to the tally.) Only 97 to go! Don't disappoint Bendo, people! Vote here: http://www.robotechx.com/forums/51-cannon-fodder/14331-bendo-vs-gubaba-the-petition-.html
  9. Basically, we're stuck in an endless circle. You're repeating an objection that's already been voiced in this thread multiple times. Someone else then replied to it, the arguments continue, and we arrive back at the starting point, and the argument begins again. Same arguments, same counterpoints. Again and again and again. Isn't it time to break the cycle?
  10. ...All this has happened before...
  11. No, directed by Jun Kawagoe. Check: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=11479
  12. This has to be, like, the sixth or seventh time you've told this story...really, we know. We don't need to hear it again.
  13. Possibly. Considering that Yui1107 wants to educate Japanese people about Robotech, I can't imagine she'd leave it out...but you never know.
  14. Very cool! Checking it out now...
  15. That's the impression I got, although I'll grant that having the sunrise come as soon as the threat was gone was probably more of a visual flourish than an accurate representation of how long it took them to finish off Sharon.
  16. Except of course for Part 3 of the article, which addresses Robotech by name.
  17. He's not. But he's continually claiming how important he is. You've got to pay attention to a fly in order to swat it. And then you forget about it.
  18. It looks like it might be a glitch of some kind: http://getsatisfaction.com/talkshoe/topics/accuracy_of_show_download_counter A Talkshoe employee: "As of this moment, the stats are not reliable. We have brought this issue to our management, but we have no word on when or if an fix will be made. Until then, you just decide if you want to use the stats as they are."
  19. Are you sure it was over Macross City...? It might have just been an animation error, but you'll notice that, all through the first half of Episode 4, the Sharon / Myung scenes happens after dark, while the Isamu / Guld scenes happen in late afternoon...and yet they're supposed to be simultaneous. So I think they might have "touched down" some distsance away from Macross City.
  20. I'd like to know that, too, actually. Although his audience must have dipped down considerably since then, since every time he brings up his "6000 lessoners," that's the pic he always uses. He's never shown anything more recent.
  21. Yes, I'm quaking in my boots right now. Damn good question. I guess he's just got an unusually quiet fanbase.
  22. Well...those numbers aren't really padded...they're just less accurate than the numbers I found. Actually, the numbers he posted are really weird...it's all or nothing. All ten popularity bars filled up, or none. There's nothing with five or six bars filled. But that seems to happen with certain things. Basically, the only way those numbers would be accurate is if EXACTLY THE SAME NUMBER OF PEOPLE downloaded more than 100 of his episodes, and absolutely NO ONE downloaded the rest. Which is certainly not impossible, but seems highly improbable. But either way, it really doesn't matter. His illegal Frontier uploads are among the most-downloaded episodes in both rankings, and thus, his download numbers get inflated through thievery. EDIT: Oh, and once again: HELP BENDO GIVE ME A VERBAL THRASHING!! VOTE HERE: http://www.robotechx.com/forums/51-cannon-fodder/14331-bendo-vs-gubaba-the-petition-.html
  23. Azrael's not giving his opinion there...he's telling it like it is. Really. Check this: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30317&st=0&p=760765&fromsearch=1entry760765
  24. Or Milia, who mentored Gamlin. Hell, even Kinryu could count.
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