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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Well, I already posted the pic of the racecourse and explained it, but I guess I'll do it again: Again, that's a Pinpoint Barrier Gate, followed by a fighter course with tight curves, followed by a Gerwalk slalom, culminating in a Battroid game of "Capture the Flag." Note the gunpod...
  2. Nothing. Wanna bet it'll be next issue's VF? Oops. You're right. Good point...They didn't get rid of Grace or Brera...
  3. Just looking over the info and what I can glean without pulling out a dictionary, it looks like Nicolas started flying in a VT-1 at the age of 3. It looks like he's also got an Implant. Aren't they illegal on Frontier...?
  4. As one of the other characters in the movie says, "Yeah, I guess it is a pussy song. After all, it's a love song, and it doesn't have the word 'poontang' in it."
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i5ZK0PSDyA
  6. That may be true (hell, not "may be," it IS true)...but it doesn't change the fact that he is 100% correct about Hollywood. As for Wizard...can't say I'm TOO sorry to see it go...I was never much into superheroes, but every once in a while they'd have some (usually vapid) interview with Alan Moore or Neil Gaiman that I had to read. Wizard is also where I found out that my old copy of Comico's "Macross" #1 was no longer worth the $20 I paid for it back in the day...
  7. Uh, yeah...I already admitted I was looking at the wrong pic. Why oh why must you prolong my shame?
  8. There's nothing disappointing about Bright Noa chasing chickens.
  9. According to the spec sheet I showed above, yes, it does.
  10. So...I'm guessing a new VF variant every chapter?
  11. I think it looks great, but judge for yourself...
  12. WTF? I must be looking at the wrong pic...
  13. It looks like a normal VF-1A.
  14. *snicker* *snort* BWAH-HAH-HAH-HAH!! That list is HYSTERICAL!! You might think that summarizing Akira by saying, "World War 2 transforms Japan with two nuclear explosions. This popular anime classic is set in postwar Japan" is a mere typo for "World War 3" (except there was only ONE explosion in Japan in Akira...and, as it turns out, it wasn't nuclear), but the description of Grave of the Fireflies, immediately following, compunds that error: "Just say no to war. Another postwar animated movie from Japan, "Grave of the Fireflies" comes with an underlying message that war is evil." Clearly, we're reading the work of someone who never saw either Akira or Grave of the Fireflies.The description of Totoro is equally lame. And then, there's the description of Shadow Chronicles: "This Japanese animated movie is based on the popular "Robotech" comic book series. An intergalactic war breaks out in 2044 as humans expand their empire beyond Earth and the Milky Way." Based on the comic book series...? Does this guy have ANY idea what he's talking about? No need to answer that, I already know the answer.
  15. Are you talking about the little blurb in the lower right-hand corner of the last page? If so, that's not for the next issue, that's for Frontier Movie #2. As far as I can tell, the magazine is still quarterly. Strangely, though, there's no ad for the next issue anywhere in the magazine.
  16. That's a really interesting story, actually. For quite a few months, there was no camrip (it tends to be very difficult to pull off such illegalities in Japanese theaters), and then, suddenly, last spring, one showed up. Problem: the guy who had it uploaded a few parts of the movie but refused to upload the rest until people started donating money to him. He did this, he said, not out of any kind of personal greed, but merely to get everyone to realize what hard work camripping is (is it really harder than making the movie in the first place...?). Ultimately, he uploaded the rest of the movie, and many people were rewarded with an incredibly bad-looking version of the film...flickering screen, weird angle, the whole nine yards. The rest of us waited until the DVD came out, and I think we got the better end of the deal.
  17. I think they need to do a live-action Hong-Kong Phooey, but, y'know, dark and gritty. EDIT: Aw, man...
  18. Gui says that I rule, so he's good in my books.
  19. In that he tries to embarrass people by talking about them? Yeah, I'm sure he is. But he can't "fix" his download numbers anymore (at least, not by coasting by on Frontier songs), and it's pretty clear that his ACTUAL popularity is much, much lower than he's claiming. It's turned into quite a little argument on RobotechX, with only Memo and Mav defending Doug. Mav has been coming up with some pretty loopy theories to account for the high download count for the Frontier songs, the current one being I organized a group of Macross fans to download all the Frontier songs again and again in order to raise their popularity. And when I denied it, Mav said I was "admitting guilt." So yeah...Mav makes no sense. I just can't figure out why he's so hell-bent on defending Doug. Less than a year ago, he was saying that Doug wasn't even a Robotech fan, and was just in it for himself. I wonder what changed? In related news, my petition to get me on Dougbendo's show has increased by one. Four votes for...only 96 to go. Out of 6000 lessoners, that's just a drop in the bucket, right? http://www.robotechx.com/forums/51-cannon-fodder/14331-bendo-vs-gubaba-the-petition-.html
  20. Enh...I have a number of problems with the Sheryl comic, but the art certainly isn't one of them...
  21. In other news, Doug Bendo has finally removed the illegally-uploaded Macross Frontier songs from his podcast. And while it's sad to note that it took a certain amount of pressure to get him to act ethically and renounce theft, it's also heartening that he finally did the right thing.
  22. Not quite... Still one more volume to go, though.
  23. Yet another astronauts-on-a-space-station / apocalypse / Civil War re-enactment movie. Ho-hum.
  24. So...you've never read the comic, but you're sure it can be adapted...? What are you basing that on? Pick 'em up and read 'em sometime. You'll see the impossibility of adaptation pretty quickly. There's no Part One and Two...it's a single, continuous movie.
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