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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. ...which doesn't necessarily mean that Mylene ended up with Gamlin...
  2. If he's sticking closely to the book (as he has said he is), it should be different enough.
  3. But "Lee" is Ozma's surname, and he adopted Ranka...so it's not her real name. Yeah, that works too.
  4. Ranka's Chinese? How do you figure? Anyway, yeah...it's all been discussed many, many, MANY times. I guess we'll find out in a week and a half or so, eh? (And for the record, I don't really care who ends up with Alto.)
  5. Congratulations! I've been kinda-sorta following the development of At the Mountains of Madness, primarily because there's never really been a good adaptation of any of Lovecraft's stories (Re-Animator doesn't count...good movie in its own right, but terrible as an adaptation)...but if anyone can do it, I think del Toro can. (I'll leave out my usual carping that the original novella is not very cinematic, just because I always seem to be saying that. I mean, it's true, the story is not cinematic at all: lots and lots AND LOTS of backstory and narration and not much actually HAPPENING...but what's the point of repeating myself? Hollywood doesn't listen to me. ) Anyway, I'm fascinated to see what you come up with for it. And let me be the first to say it: PENGUINS!!! You'll understand soon enough...
  6. "Death Robotech Anime"...I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds like something I can get behind: [link removed] EDIT: Hmmm...looks like the site itself is unsafe...so here's a screengrab:
  7. DAMMIT!! Why do I always have to work when these things are happening!?! Err, I mean...great report, Tochiro. I think we need to OFFICIALLY dub you the Chief Archivist of the Gaijin Butai.
  8. Yep. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmERkTOw-Wg And this, too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr1_Ep5Oa-M
  9. Time for this again... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7UA_nEPNok http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUynALqWkjI
  10. Only the novels, Wanz. Only in the novels. I didn't like it because, first, it doesn't really fit very well into the timeline of the OYW (Mass-produced Gundams? At the time of episode 12 of First Gundam...?) and second, because it didn't have the kind of tone I watch Gundam for. I don't watch Gundam in order to see a small, brave band of misfits overcome the odds and win the day, I watch Gundam to see well-meaning people trying to survive their miserable existence and then dying in terrible agony and wracked by guilt. And yes, Zeta's my favorite. Followed closely by Victory.
  11. To each his own, of course. For me, the virtues of Char's Counterattack outweigh its flaws. And I have no real problem accepting Char himself in the movie. While his attempt at genocide may have been something done by Tomino purely to get Char and Amuro at each others' throats again, I found it plausible that Char would get disillusioned and desperate after so many years of failure. And while I agree that Hathaway was a moron who deserved everything he got later on in the timeline, I guess I have to admit that, to my own everlasting shame, I've always harbored a secret crush on Quess.
  12. Huh. I like it better than F91, and WAAAAY better than 08th MS Team.
  13. "All in good fun"...? Man, you should've been here when the TV series ended...
  14. But it's inconsistent with the only other use I've seen of the term, which was a Puffy song...however, yeah, I'll grant that from the context, it probably DOES mean "body" here...
  15. The VF-1S is pretty much the same, but Max's VF-1 looks exactly like a Destroid Tomahawk.
  16. Wait...is it ナイスバディ (Nice Buddy) or ナイスボディ (Nice Body)?
  17. For me, the worst Macross moment is anytime someone says that Macross should be "believable."
  18. Nah, it was this:
  19. Because, again, it's a thread for the WORST Macross moments, not the BEST.
  20. Oh, it's undeniably true, but it doesn't say that in the text.
  21. Considering most of the issue centers around Sheryl talking to Grace...and Alto's kabuki past is nowhere featured...I'm pretty sure its Grace.
  22. The difference, of course, is that a "cutlass" isn't a magical sword of myth and legend...whereas "Excalibur," "Caliburn," "Nothung," and "Durandel" are.
  23. In one of the previous Macross F comics, Macross F: Embrace! To the End of the Galaxy! EDIT: BTW, look at the color pic again, closely. That ain't Alto.
  24. Now it's my turn to issue a correction...It's "nice buddy," not "nice body." So she's a good friend.
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