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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. It was probably the worst earthquake I've ever been through...it felt much bigger than the '94 Northridge quake. But overall, no damage in my part of Tokyo, although some of my housemates had to walk back from Shibuya, which is kind of a long trek, and my date in Yokohama ended up getting postponed.
  2. Even Zambot 3 sags in the middle a bit, but keep with it...it's TOTALLY worth it.
  3. Shin Kazama's a Valkyrie pilot? Damn, that's awesome!
  4. That looks shop'd.
  5. I think the parts that made you facepalm were probably parts that I really loved...
  6. Oh HELL yes!
  7. No...they were just on display in a glass case. But they had all 25 scripts there.
  8. Damn, man! I was exhausted after the hanging out at Shakey's, but you guys just kept on going! Guess I'm getting old, huh?
  9. No it doesn't. Saying "if you've seen the show, you can understand the comic just from the pictures" is not the same as saying "you should learn Japanese." You just took one or two sentences I wrote out of context, and spin a new context around them. You may not have been, but Seto and Ichido Reichan sure were, based on your misrepresentation of my point.
  10. Again, please learn to read: I don't really see how saying "You shouldn't have to learn a whole new language" is implying "you should have to learn a whole new language." All I'm saying is, if you've seen Macross, then Macross the First is pretty easy to understand, even if you don't speak Japanese. This is not a controversial position. If you want to take my words out of context to create a straw man to bash, at least have the decency to admit that that's what you're doing. If you want to attack Tochiro and Sketchley for what they've said, then leave me out of it. Fair enough?
  11. Again, if you're going to quote me to respond to someone else's point as though it were mine, you probably make that clearer. Or better yet, quote the person you're disagreeing with, and respond to their point. EDIT: Look back here, for example: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=31952&view=findpost&p=890202 There I am, disagreeing with Tochiro. So you use my post as though it supports Tochiro's point...? What kind of sense does that make?
  12. But I've NEVER made that point. Look, I've been studying Japanese a long time, and I'm not fluent by any stretch yet. I would never ask anyone else to do the same. If you're going to get on my case about something, please get on my case about an opinion I actually hold.
  13. Learn to read, dude. I didn't say that, and I didn't imply it.
  14. I didn't think of it like that, but yeah...I guess so.
  15. Good point. The updated art is really the selling point of Macross the First. If you want to see that, it's worth it.
  16. You're using the wrong pic...this is the correct one:
  17. Hmmm...that isn't how they explained it in the movie...
  18. Yeah, it would...but everyone knows what the ship is that crashes on earth, why its gun fires at the aliens, who all the main characters are... Look, my Japanese is FAR from fluent. It takes me hours and HOURS even to read something like Macross the First. Thus, I generally just look through it. I haven't really read anything besides the first book and the beginning of the second. And yet...I can follow the story, because I already know it. Anyone else should be able to do the same. If they get cnfused, they can ask here in this thread, and people will answer them. It's not ideal, but it works.
  19. That isn't what I meant though. Like, at all. If you watch the first few episodes of SDFM TV, you know pretty much EXACTLY what happens in Macross the First. You don't HAVE to read the words in order to understand what's going on. Just watch the show, and then look at the pictures in the book. Pretty much all of us here know the story by heart anyway. So yeah, if weren't talking about, I dunno, Macross 7 Trash or something...then yes, I can understand not wanting to buy it if it's not in English...but Macross the First...?
  20. I can understand this if you're talking about some other comic...but this is Macross the First. You've seen SDF Macross, haven't you? If so, you know most of the dialogue from Vol. 1 already, and while the details differ in Vol. 2, the overall story doesn't. Anyone tempted to check the book out already knows the plot. So the whole "I can't read it" argument doesn't really wash with me.
  21. Don't worry. Everyone who hasn't seen the movie is focusing on the ending, which is only one of many, many pleasures offered by the movie...and not even the greatest one. Not by a long shot. The problem for is that people keep asking me questions like, "Don't so-and-so live or die?" and answering that question opens up a host of other topics that really WILL ruin the movie for people. Think of it like episode 17 of Frontier...if someone hadn't seen that and said, "I get the feeling Ozma's gonna die. Does he? Don't tell me anything else." Well...you could answer it, I suppose, but it takes away all the tension of the episode. What people are sad about has nothing to do with what you'll remember most after the movie's over. EDIT: One thing that I am worried about, however, is that this is very much a "big screen" movie. I'm worried that it'll seem unimpressive when watched on a TV or computer screen.
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