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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Wait...are you being serious or sarcastic? I can't tell.
  2. No, that one's actually correct: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sendai_Nuclear_Power_Plant
  3. Sure, but everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend. So, uh...back seat for you, then. Ah, Wanz is just jealous. He knows it, we know it, Rebecca and Justin know it. Anything Wanz says to the contrary is just a smokescreen of defensiveness.
  4. LISTEN TO HER SONG!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0
  5. Renato's right. There's no plant there, or anywhere even close to there.
  6. Jeez, I hope the Zepp Tokyo and Shibuya Quattro plants are holding up...
  7. I know, I'm just sayin'... To any of you who THINK you saw a big spoiler...you didn't.
  8. I don't think there was anything terribly spoiler-y there...although I guess I can see how it would pique one's curiosity. But yeah...it's a very small, not-terribly-important part of the film.
  9. Yes. And I believe you can currently only buy it at theaters showing the movie.
  10. Well OF COURSE it is...dire catastrophes are normal in anime and tokusatsu culture... Anyway, yeah...MIT weighs in: http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2011/nuclear-panel-japan-0136.html
  11. Radiation falls... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12749444 *whew* I may not have to make a last-minute "vacation" to Taipei after all.
  12. DAMMIT! Another large (-ish) earthquake. Nothing like Friday's, though.
  13. I must've been sleeping quite soundly...I felt the jolt after midnight, but the morning aftershock didn't wake me at all... Hear, hear!! I think you're misinformed, Millionstar. The Japanese government has been lending TONS of money to the US and doing a huge part in keeping America going. Besides, from what I've seen, the Japanese often are very generous, so to say they "culturally do not give to charity" is simply wrong.
  14. Everything seems fine. The whole Kanto region is having rolling blackouts for a while, but they haven't hit my area so far. The trains are running sporadically today, and a lot of shops are closed. It's also nearly impossible to find any canned food anywhere...the convenience stores are picked clean.
  15. Nearly all of my housemates are leaving...some back home to Italy or France, one to Shizuoka, one to Australia... If there's more bad news I might book a flight to Taipei...
  16. That's really, REALLY disturbing... Many of the trains are down today, so I'm taking the day off of work. Aftershocks hit occasionally, and I'm thinking, "All right! I get it! You're an earthquake! Now will you PLEASE STOP!?"
  17. I've been in touch with pretty much all of my Japanese friends now that the cell phones are working again, and it seems like shaken nerves and aching feet are the only injuries.
  18. Ditto (although I haven't checked the gas). A few of my housemates are still out, but I assume they'll be back eventually. One of my friends has parents in Fukushima, so she's been trying to get hold of them since the first quake hit. Cell phones still seem to be out...so thank goodness for Facebook!
  19. That would, I think, be MUCH too expensive to make.
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