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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. From my perspective, that's not sad.
  2. Correction: there are no articles, just art. But, as you say, all of the art in original. None of it, however, is in color. Basically, each person on the staff of the show (for Vol. 1) or the first movie (for Vol. 2) drew a picture, and the book collects them all in a nice, squarebound edition. Most of it is gags, in-jokes, and the like, although there are a couple of preliminary or unused designs that show up here and there.
  3. By the time he was 62, Conan was king of Aquilona. No action to be had there.
  4. It'll be around again...I was lucky enough to walk into Book Ruhe in Kichijoji last week, when they got in four copies. I bought one...but when I went in the next day, the rest were all gone. If I see one, do you want me to pick it up for you?
  5. The Super High Speed Galvion of 1980s is vintage of no good mecha and story but idea could popular with various excited people!! A trout!! the high manga quality is dream born! The charge will give pleasurable effect!
  6. The Mikimoto Haruhiko is designing the Macross the First delightfully following hope will be VIDEO SOLDIER LASERION: THE ORIGIN or possibility SUPER HIGHSPEED GALVION: THE NEXT!!! It is darling wish!! Production will see!!
  7. A couple that I like: Hokuto no Ken: Neon Genesis Evangelion:
  8. But, nobody remembers Southern Cross. Who would buy it? でも、だれもサザーンクロスを覚えていません。だれがあの漫画買う?
  9. I do find it quite funny that http://norobotechnews.blogspot.com has more followers than Banky's blog...
  10. Scratch my earlier response... There IS a page about the Tornado Pack. I missed it before because there's no lineart or diagrams of it (nor for the Armored Pack).
  11. According to the Macross F Official Fan Book, the "Galaxy Anonymous" voices are not indicative of what the people behind them are actually like. It suggests that they're kind of like internet forum avatars...you don't look like Grace in real life, I don't look like Misa, Azrael doesn't look like Gubaba...and the little girl from Galaxy probably isn't a little girl.
  12. Ah. Please forgive me if I'm still a little annoyed at the hatchet job you pulled on me in the other thread a while back. Anyway, yeah...lineart of the YF-24, and a section devoted to it, but no detailed schematics. And I *may* be mistaken, but it *looks* like they don't draw a distinction between the YF-24 and and the YF-24 Evolution.
  13. I haven't done the fine calculations, but there is, I think, less text and more pics than the last VF-1 Space Wing book.
  14. By the way, I picked up the book today. Very brief run-downs on the FAST and Armored Packs (and nothing about the VF-27) give me hope that we'll see another Messiah volume later on. Again, the little typy stuff is too tough for me to read, so I'll let others handle that and just groove on the artwork...
  15. SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED in the disclaimer that the back of the book not to be part of the "Official setting" of Macross...
  16. That's true...it's gonna have to have a lot of extra stuff. The novel seems to have two illustrations per chapter...the opening two-page splash, and another illustration further in...so that could add eighteen more pages...but yeah, not much there, either.
  17. But it was AnimEigo that said they couldn't untangle the DYRL rights, not HG.
  18. But have you been checking the novel itself on Dengeki Hobby's site? There are six chapters so far, each ranging from forty pages to over seventy.
  19. And I believe your English version of DYRL is currently Doug Bendo's most popular "podcast episode."
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