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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. There IS a middle ground between HG fans and Macross Purists...RT fans who don't know or don't care about the feud, but don't know enough to Google the situation. People like that tend to get turned off by Jamesbond77-style antics, but would probably cream their jeans if they knew Macross Plus existed...let alone Macross Frontier.
  2. And in the process, you make us all look bad. Seriously, just "dislike" the video. Isn't that enough?
  3. Huh. Wonder who he's getting his talking points from? Well, yeah...I was being sarcastic, of course, but I do think that adapting Frontier would be more intellectually honest...an admission that without the actual CREATORS and ANIMATORS of the shows that made up RT, they basically got nothing. The resulting series would probably be less crappy than Shadow Chronicles, anyway.
  4. Are you kidding?! It's an EXPLOSIVELY BRILLIANT idea!! Why go through the motions of trying to pretend that RT can stand on its own...everyone should just admit that it's an unnecessary dinosaur that can only survive by leeching off of better-quality productions.
  5. I rented it and watched it last night. I thought they did a pretty great job of compressing the story into two and a half hours, and some of the twists were kinda cool. The ending especially caught me off-guard. But more than anything else, it made me want to watch the original series again...I may rent it when I return the DVD today.
  6. Without spoiling it...? "The Origin" started running ten years ago, and the English version started appearing nearly eight years ago. That's ample time to judge for yourself, don't you think? Quite the opposite, actually...while the Lord of the Rings movies cut out tons of stuff, The Origin adds the entire backstory.
  7. No, but there is Gerwalk goodness.
  8. Neon Genesis Tankgelion: Some jerk thinks he's he's Bobby:
  9. MEGAZONE LIVE!!: Eva Bebop:
  10. Caramelldansen Evangelion: "Give Me Your Banana, Let Me Taste Your Banana":
  11. '70s Japanese Idols sell stuff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su1kCPzYw6c Japanese Rolling Stones Christmas Special:
  12. Korean girls sell American tea in Japan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NPXef0bC8M Woman who can't read teaches hairstyling:
  13. So here are some of my Youtube favorites...as I said elsewhere, I don't recall how I found most of them. A song about breasts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe3P5Jniebk Caramelldansen like you've never seen it before! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_XNoQPFQVc
  14. The new Gundam Ace is completely cryptic about "The Origin Anime Project." I get the feeling it'll just be a short OVA or something. That's just a hunch, however. Incidentally, Gundam the Orgin ended in the newest issue, and Zeta Gundam Define started up.
  15. Okay, here's the deal... As mentioned elsewhere, no Macross Ace Vol. 009 today (or, probably, ever). HOWEVER... Macross the First will continue is the upcoming magazine, Newtype Ace... ...which is debuting in... September. September? Damn.
  16. CONFIRMED: Macross the Ride will only be two volumes. ALSO CONFIRMED: The Visual Book Vol. 1 is AWESOME. All the pics from Dengeki Hobby and then some! BUY IT! BUY IT! BUY IT!!!
  17. Considering how bad most of the drama albums are, I think I'd rather they didn't.
  18. No, as Tochiro pointed out, she's there.
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