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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Oh, believe me, I know I'm way behind... At the same time, my usual rule is not to start any epic series before it's finished, so in way, I'm way ahead of where I ordinarily would be. By the way, how much of the book does the series cover? When can I safely start watching it?
  2. At ONE point...? It drags through a good part of Season Two, and Season Three REALLY sags in the middle...
  3. Heh...same as I did when I caught up with BSG, I guess... Anyway, the Lannisters (I think) That's where I am.
  4. We've said it before, we'll say it again. Be VERY CAREFUL about what you read...there are some major "HOLY SH*T!" moments that you absolutely do NOT want to have spoiled for you.
  5. How people view me: How people view me when I tell them I live in Japan:
  6. Really? Of all of us who live in Japan, I think Sketchley telegraphs it the most. ... ...Okay, Milspex telegraphed it more, but Milspex is back in Australia these days.
  7. K-Pop is officially better than J-Pop now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzYR3YpsYEs
  8. Can someone explain to me what the deal is with this pic that I found...?
  9. Glad to be of service.
  10. Sneak preview of 3.0...
  11. Ah, that. Yeah, that's dumb. For the record, I won't be seeing this movie unless at least three friends who I trust see it first and say it's good.
  12. There's nothing wrong with being a bitter snob...
  13. No, HG never said one way or another. However, someone I talked to (who is quite trustworthy) talked to an HG employee who said they were using "old footage that Tatsunoko had" to create a new movie, which had my friend pretty well convinced that HG was using LLA. Clearly that's no longer the case, but if the HG employee was correct, then it must have been in the works at some point. But yeah, I agree with others that HG doesn't really listen to a word we say. Which is fine. Let them screw up on their own.
  14. Because pretty much all the Japanese promotional stuff is like this: However, considering that it was originally meant to refer to the twenty-three wards of Tokyo, I think saying "Twenty-Three" is okay. I don't think anyone in the film calls it one or the other.
  15. I more-or-less agree. I'm not a big fan of the movie, but (as I've said before) I really like the original Robert E. Howard stories (not so much the Lin Carter, L. Sprague DeCamp, and others who came later), and I don't see any connection between this new movie and the stories.
  16. http://www.theonion.com/articles/classic-movie-avatar-updated-for-todays-audiences,18052/ Classic Movie 'Avatar' Updated For Today's Audiences SEPTEMBER 10, 2010 | ISSUE 46•36 LOS ANGELES—Paramount Pictures confirmed Monday the Dec. 23 release date for Avatar 2KX, a remake of the beloved 2009 sci-fi thriller Avatar that will bring the story into the modern era with faster-paced action sequences and cutting-edge visual effects. "Avatar was a true classic of its time, but today's audiences demand a state-of-the-art immersive experience that goes beyond the kitschy charm of the original," said Paramount CEO Brad Grey, who ordered producers to cut 40 percent of the original script's dialogue, simplify the moral so that the humans are now the protagonists, and add several Na'vi sex scenes. "Our hipper, bolder, and updated movie is sure to resonate with younger generations and older fans alike." Grey had no comment on speculation that Avatar 2KX would feature cameos from one or more of the original film's surviving stars.
  17. Yeah. Believe or not this has come up before. The publisher takes Wikipedia articles, puts 'em together in a book, and charges a huge amount, hoping that someone will be stupid enough to buy it. There are a couple of Macross-themed volumes.
  18. Probably the opening "prologue" section of the movie will be kind of awesome, and it'll be all downhill from there.
  19. Pfft...of course they didn't. Carl Macek got all the credit. Here, compare: and
  20. So true, my brothers, so true...
  21. No. He called your opinion an asshole.
  22. If you stop complaining about it in a public forum, we'll stop caring. Honestly.
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