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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Not that I've seen...but I have a bunch of interviews in various books that I haven't gone through yet.
  2. Except that by that point, they were seasoned opinions themselves... Now maybe you think Tomita circa 1982 was better than Tomita circa 1992 (when he wrote Macross II) or Tomita circa 1994 (when he wrote most of Macross 7)...or than Ohnogi was better when he plotted out the postwar episodes of SDFM than he was when he wrote Macross Zero... Or you can just say, "Kawamori's BAD!" because it's, y'know, easier than doing actual RESEARCH.
  3. No matter what Tarantino says, Top Gun still isn't as gay as Nightmare on Elm Street 2. Although it comes close, mind you...
  4. Just to add: if you get the novel "Misa Hayase: White Reminiscences," there are three people credited on the front flap: Shoji Kawamori, Hiroshi Ohnogi, and Haruhiko Mikimoto. Ohnogi wrote the novel. Mikimoto illustrated it. Why would Kawamori be credited as well...? Ditto "Dreaming Prelude: My Fair Minmay." Kawamori wrote the introduction which explains what the book is and why it was written. If Ishiguro were the driving force behind the show, shouldn't he have written that...?
  5. To convince the suits at the TV network to let a bunch of young'uns run wild with this show they created...why else? My point exactly. Thank you.
  6. Half-naked, MALE volleyball action... I have a couple of coworkers who I'm sure will be VERY interested...
  7. For example: Noboru Ishiguro's first credit is on "Kaibutsu-kun" from 1968. 1982 - 1968= how many years...? And are those years more than the 20 years that Hiroshi Ohnogi has been writing anime between Macross in 1982 and Macross Zero in 2002...?
  8. Uh-huh...you might want to check Anime News Network before making fallacious statements like that... In other words, basically, you got nothin' except your own ideas of who did what. NEXT!
  9. Oh, his subscibers split YEARS ago...except for the guys who only showed up to download Macross Frontier songs.
  10. I never said it was... But can you answer the three questions I posed on the first page? With FACT, not SPECULATION...?
  11. Maybe you should go back and read the thread from the beginnning... Just sayin'.
  12. It took you THAT LONG before you couldn't take it...? You've got MUCH more stamina than I do, apparently. EDIT: And I guess you were the only lessoner anyway, right?
  13. I also didn't get the "Eh, WTF is this?" moments from Star Wars Episode IV that I did from Episode I. Did Shoji Kawamori do that, as well?
  14. You shouldn't try to underestimate stupid people...they'll out-stupid you EVERY DAMN TIME... But, I mean, really, as far as Bendo goes...SIX people get killed, he gets choked up and nearly cries. TWENTY THOUSAND people die, and he makes jokes about it. That really shows you what kind of person he is.
  15. Of course, the question remains...if you make six hours of podcast, and nobody lessons...does it make a sound?
  16. Pretty much...and he had 6000 LESSONERS LESSONING to such Doug Bendo hits as "Fairy" and "Do You Remember Love (Bless the Little Queen)." He can be a fairy, or a queen. It's totally up to him. (If I get less than SIX hours of Bendo ranting time out of this post, I'll believe it's failed. Go on, Doug...make me proud!)
  17. Vague, very vague... How do you come to your determination of what's Kawamori's and what's Ishiguro's?
  18. But really...how often are you going to watch Phantom Menace...?
  19. Well, yeah... He simply doesn't know what he's talking about. And you don't even have to lesson to him to know that. Jesus knows that I haven't lessoned to him in a very long time...
  20. So, uh...is this you stating that you CAN'T explain what the DYRL breakdown is...? 'Cause I'm still curious about that, and I figure that anyone who praises Ishiguro and slams Kawamori knows where the split lies. So, c'mon, be a bro and tell me.
  21. He wasted 45 minutes...? That ain't NUTHIN'!! He's wasted HOURS and HOURS of time over pretty much all of us. Hell, I got a two-hour podcast all to myself, and all I did was mention him briefly, as an aside. Still, neither of us have anything on Destroy All Podcasts...he spent THREE HOURS trashing them after they spent TWO SECONDS mentioning him. Guess he's got nothing better to do with his time... ...that is, if anybody lessoned to him. Which they don't. Now that the pirated Macross Frontier songs are gone, his ratings have plummeted so much, he won't even reveal them. (Note to Memo and Mav: next time, hook yourself up with a HERO, not a ZERO. )
  22. So, like VF5SS said...anything you DON'T like in Macross: blame Kawamori. Anything you DO like: praise his collaborators. Convenient. So, please...explain to all of us...what exactly was the breakdown between Kawamori-direction in DYRL and Ishiguro-direction. Since we've never had a hard-and-fast answer to this, your information will be a goldmine!
  23. Okay... why blame Kawamori? Mplus: co-directed by Kawamori, written by Keiko Nobumoto. M7: Kawamori provided the idea, but most of the work was presumably done by the director (Tetsuro Amino) and the head writer (Sukehiro Tomita (who also wrote the lion's share of SDFM episodes, as well as DYRL and MII). Mzero: Directed by Kawamori, written by Hiroshi Ohnogi (who also wrote about ten episodes of SDFM TV, as well as a bunch of other things, including Orguss and Zeta Gundam). Mflontier: Kawamori was basically in the same position for this as Noburo Ishiguro was for SDFM TV...supervising the young turks as they went wild and did whatever they wanted. And uh...lots of Macross has fruit. There are lots of pineapples in SDFM TV and Mac F. Isamu eats a sour fruit in Mac Plus. Mylene has a lemon drink in Mac 7. Tropical fruit is abundant in Mac Zero. I think DYRL and Macross Dynamite 7 are the only ones without fruit. ...unless of course, by "fruit," you mean the hopelessly outdated, rather offensive term for "homosexual," in which case I will point out that Macross Frontier is the only Macross series to feature a homosexual character.
  24. A couple of years ago, I put a few in the Macross Ace thread. They should still be there, somewhere towards the beginning...
  25. It was more the "comical" black guy stealing donuts and stuff, and the "Ho-ho-ho, that guy just can't stop speaking Spanish even though nobody understands his crazy language" scenes. So yeah, Yamato had none of that. Although the guy who played Saito was quite the overactor.
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