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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Well...let's give the dude a chance to respond, first.
  2. Okay...considering that he's lied about me...REPEATEDLY....I just said I'd confront Bendo on his podcast. If he doesn't contact me about it...well, then you all know what's what. (i.e. He's a f*ckin' coward.)
  3. I think Einherjar posted it before, but whatever...it's still right on the mark.
  4. It's a Supervision Army ship: MYSTERY SOLVED!
  5. Well...I happen to know for a fact that Bridge Publications (y'know, those ABSOLUTELY UNAFFILIATED GUYS who just HAPPEN to publish L. Ron Hubbard's science fiction) WILL INDEED pay if you show Scientology books in your amateur movie...so yeah...maybe Carl Macek and Matchbox had an extra source of revenue.
  6. In all likelihood, I didn't forget it...not being a "Robotechnologist," I probably didn't know it in the first place. So go ahead...what is it? Oh, I'm sure the name L'ron has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with "L. Ron Hubbard." That said, being that one of my favorite authors is James Branch Cabell, I'm annoyed that that the not only used his name in The Sentinels, but also mispronounced it. As the man himself once rhymed, "Tell the rabble my name is Cabell."
  7. This is interesting...considering that I've run across Robotech fans who complain that the main reason they like Robotech more than Macross is because the "Supervision Army" reamins unseen and unknown...yet the "Disciples of Zor" are really the same thing, aren't they? An unseen, unknown enemy who's apparently totally badass.
  8. He does indeed have better things to do...
  9. I'm actually kinda with Nishizaki on this point (although I'm with him on nothing else). To me, above all else, Yamato is about hard work and sacrifice. And sacrifice without the constant threat of death is kinda toothless. I'm also with Renato about the fact that Meisa Kuroki looks really good in tight jeans.
  10. Me, I just still want a good answer for why "Dolzaa" shouted out "PROTOCULTURE!!" when he saw "Rick" and "Lisa" kissing...
  11. Probably more. It was a RADICALLY FIRE!!
  12. One of them is photoshopped, yes.
  13. Who cares? The important thing is that Crucio hasn't listened to Basara's song. Me, I listened to it this afternoon, walking all the way to Sasazuka Station. By the time I got there, my Spiritia Level was OFF THE CHARTS!!
  14. And he was putting anime references in his comics before just about anyone else... EDIT: Special shout-out to Steve "The Dude" Rude, who ordered William Shatner's autobiography from me when I was just a lowly bookclerk. And then I sold it to him, when he came in to pick it up. Thus, I can attest that, at least at that time, his personal checks did indeed give "Steve 'The Dude' Rude" as his official name.
  15. Sorry I couldn't meet up with you last night... It would've been fun to brainstorm ways to make Bendo even more paranoid and crazy than he is now.
  16. Now THAT is what I call BI-WINNING!!
  17. Well, inbetween now and October 20, we've got the Sept. 25 release of Macross 7th Code (which is okay) and Macross Plus: TAC Name (which isn't), followed on Oct. 7 by another issue of Newtype Ace... There's plenty to fill the time.
  18. You left out The Starfighters...
  19. Um, but...you haven't seen it, right?
  20. DAMMIT! How could I have left out Dave McKean? Cages was brilliant.
  21. Huh...that IS odd, since it seems (to me at least) to go against the impression I got from the Ishiguro interviews on the AnimEigo DVDs, as well as the other various circumstantial stuff I've picked up over the years. I guess we could always ask Renato to ask Ishiguro the next time they run into each other...
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