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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Good one. I just said, "Loser. Heh. Loser."
  2. I notice he deleted YOUR comment, as well...what did YOU say...?
  3. Someone who still watches Robotech, yes. He's probably upgraded to an Atari 5200 in the last year or so, as well!
  4. ...and no one's even MENTIONED the semi-nude Myspace pics... http://www.myspace.com/dougbendo/photos/albums/my-photos/747712
  5. Sorry, but you can't run from the truth, can you? Speaking of which...I wrote a comment about Doug's podcast...and he deleted it. I guess I hurt his feelings, huh? If I'd known that he was so delicate, I wouldn't have bothered... Poor guy. What's he gonna do with zero? This is HIS LIFE we're talkin' about here...he's gonna go home, and he's gonna... EDIT: Oh, and Doug...I guess you didn't understand what I said. THURSDAYS. THURSDAYS are best. Not Fridays. Not Saturdays. THURSDAYS. THUR-S-DAYS. The day BEFORE Friday.
  6. Interestingly, In Spanish, "Bendo" is slang for "ugly hermaphrodite that wears dirty diapers."
  7. Tochiro will smack me for this, but Chie Kajiura > Yoshiki Fukuyama. But yeah, Plus is pretty universally accepted as awesome. I remember being disappointed with the finale the first time I saw it, but I soon got over that.
  8. But trolling him is so much fun... He ALWAYS goes ballistic, and he ALWAYS thinks his thoughts actually matter to someone...
  9. I liked them better than the theatrical versions, for what it's worth. (Incidentally (as I've said before), although I have no problems reading stuff like Thomas Mann, James Joyce, and Marcel Proust, I find Fellowship of the Ring (the book, not the movie) INCREDIBLY tough going, at least for the first half...which I believe disqualifies me as a real LOTR fan. Give me Mervyn Peake, E.R. Eddison, Michael Moorcock, or Stephen R. Donaldson any day...)
  10. In a nutshell, yeah. I guess he's just nostalgic for 2008~2009 Macross mecha. I'm sure many people here can relate...
  11. This girl's pretty amazing, especially since she's only 13... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ5L_QT6d5U
  12. Why doesn't he ever pick something, I dunno...newer?
  13. I *think* the ISBN is 4910124021019. The Amazon number is ASIN: B005KLQO22. The amazon.co.jp page is here: http://www.amazon.co.jp/ニュータイプ-エース-Vol-1-2011年-10月号/dp/B005KLQO22/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1316787337&sr=8-1
  14. I don't think he ever really believed that...I think he just wanted to convince others that it was true.
  15. Okay...thanks, guys. One of my favorite scenes in Jedi is now ruined... Luke asks about HIS mother, hears about someone COMPLETELY UNRELATED to him....and thinks he's hearing about his mother. That scene is now officially pointless and misleading.
  16. Huh...for you, maybe. For me, it stuck out like a sore thumb... Which ones would you say were worse?
  17. Is that canonical? Or is it your inference?
  18. What can I say? Bendo's been crying ever since he begged me to go on his show a few years ago. I finally give him the chance of lifetime, and he's too frightened to take it. Guess he prefers talking to empty room instead of to other people...'cause talking to other people would remind him of how much better they are than he is...
  19. I wish I could do the same...
  20. FANWANK: It's good for what ails you...
  21. Show me canonical proof, and I'll believe it.
  22. Enh...I don't buy it...without an outcry of something like, "Mrs. Organa (whatever her name was) WAS my real mother! What are you talking about?" it seems to me like it's clear that Leia knows what Luke means, and answers him accordingly. Nice try, though.
  23. But...if she thought that the Organas were her biological family, wouldn't she have said something along the lines of, "What do you mean, my REAL mother...?" And why would Bail Organa's wife be "beautiful but...sad"? Because she wasn't important enough to show up in the prequels?
  24. "do you remember your mother. Your REAL mother?" She knows.
  25. Agreed. And it doesn't fit at all with Leia's dialogue in Jedi.
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