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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. For my money, I found "The Seeds of Death" to be FAR scarier than any Dalek episode...
  2. A likely story...
  3. In my experience (and this is a generalization), Macross fans really liked the homages, but they tended to make Robotech fans angry. Weirdly. Anyway, I think you make a good point: every Macross sequel is designed to give the old fans something they want (not always succeeding, of course), while bringing new fans up-to-speed as quickly as possible and giving them something that THEY want, as well. Which is something that Robotech sequels never figured out how to do. (And I'm sure the Colony Drop guys would argue that Unicorn's references are "organic" while Frontier's are "forced," or some BS like that...)
  4. And now for something completely different... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNFoNBz9Dbs
  5. That's true...but I don't see how controlling the Vajra gives mankind access to such genetic manipulation. The only reason why controlling the Vajra seemed advantageous (in my understanding at least) was because of the Fold Quartz... or am I missing something?
  6. Mylene Ninjiin loves you yeah!
  7. I'm not sure if I'm agreeing or disagreeing with you here, but I thought it had more to do with overcoming the problem of Fold Faults and creating truly instantaneous travel and communication. Of course, having that involves control of the Vajra, hence why I think we may be in agreement...
  8. I'd rather see Gaw Ha Ressy...but whatever.
  9. That's some mighty fine Ultramom!!
  10. THANK YOU! Now THAT'S Lana!!
  11. ...and it ends up looking NOTHING like Lana Isavia...
  12. If mice could swim They would float with the tide And play with the fish Down by the seaside. The cats on the shore Would quickly agree There's a meal to be had At the edge of the sea.
  13. But...Robotech fans don't care who voiced the characters in Japanese, so what's your point...? The original at least had tits...
  14. HA HA! What a story, reddsun1!
  15. In other words, Dr. Lang was more-or-less created by the ROBOTECH people, not the MACROSS people. Which, apparently, makes him AWESOME!!!
  16. This scene looks especially fake, at around the 1:15 mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoS3eDIsgGM
  17. This could work, too...
  19. Maybe this one...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ4KzClb1C4
  20. Doesn't the horrible green screen effects in the rooftop scenes count...?
  22. I'd say so. I was thoroughly engrossed the whole time, just stunned at how terrible a movie could get. Never at any time did I feel bored...there was always something odd to wonder about.
  23. I've watched the whole thing. It's thoroughly terrible..and thoroughly entertaining.
  24. He was. He got banned for spamming. Like a jealous lover, he keeps checking it, though.
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