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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Did they try to?
  2. Okay...so if "kamikaze" DOESN'T mean "suicide attack" (or, if you want to be literal, "God Wind"), then what does it mean to you?
  3. If by "context," you mean "incorrect definition," then no, I'm not that dense. Which is why I corrected you.
  4. That's...that's actually a pretty cool effect.
  5. But the key word being "suicide," yes?
  6. A kamikaze attack is a suicide run, yes?
  7. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  8. That's pretty funny, A7. Anyway, how is your sex life?
  9. I like the fact that you have to go OUTSIDE the Shadow Chronicles movie itself ("gussied up line/fan art") to find a good picture of Maia, and yet there are TONS of good shots of Sheryl in Macross F itself. Of course, I might be being unfair, considering that from 2007~2011, we got around 29 hours of Macross F footage, whereas, in the same time frame, we only got 90 minutes of Shadow Chronicles footage.
  10. Sorry, the outcome's already been decided. Small Wonder is officially the worst sci-fi TV series of all time. Naming other shows now is like trying to nominate more movies for last year's Oscars.
  11. Does Max have a "color"? Does Milia?
  12. Am I supposed to say thanks...?
  13. Not really...Agent ONE wants to know which is the best DVD. Renato answered him: The 2007 HD remaster. Agent ONE then asked if he could buy an R1-compatible DVD of it. I told him there was none. Everything else is just noise.
  14. Nah, it's just that the actress who played her was the host of the Macross radio show that was airing at the time (why her? Who knows...?) and so she was readily available for the radio dramas.
  15. Totally. As MST3K said, "Emotions are for ethnic people!" Heh...you haven't heard the drama albums, have you? Seriously...you'd WISH she'd shut up...
  16. And ZING! Suddenly, white people invented rock'n'roll! (Not tryin' to start a debate or anything...just sayin'.)
  17. Whatever, man. ...
  18. As William Blake once said... "If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise."
  19. Perhaps...since she doesn't listen to anything we say, we might as well be encouraging to her.
  20. Right back atcha, man.
  21. Oh, screw you, too.
  22. Rock on with your crazy, bad ol' self, Yui.
  23. For me, Mac7 didn't start getting good until Episode 14 or so...your mileage may vary. It never turns into a full-on mecha action show like Plus, though. Although some episodes come close.
  24. Well, if you really want to go old school rock'n'roll...here's where it all started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIWlWA1YTBw
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