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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. No, it was "Both the movie and the TV series are equally valid interpretations of the same events, and all Macross shows are fictional renditions of the real story (which we'll never see)." Or words to that effect.
  2. You mean one of his staffers or overlords or something has...Kawamori himself has, AFAIK, never said anything of the sort.
  3. I wonder if they'll feel as passionate when someone who actually CREATED one of the series involved with Robotech passes on...
  4. If you know ABSOLUTELY NO JAPANESE, I'd definitely wait for subs.
  5. Who says we weren't? Hell, I stole Save's last beer... Only time will tell...but I'm betting on yes.
  6. I know what you mean, frothymug...I'm 33 minutes from the end, and I had to stop to watch Kate Bush's "Rubberband Girl" video.
  7. Phase IV...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f-icwZekGQ
  8. YES!! "Minmay! Hey! Minmay!"
  9. Don't worry...you're better off now.
  10. WHAT final battle in LLA...? There are only a few "new" scenes in the OVA...Yellow riding his bike around. Sorji back home drinking coffee. A concert scene. And interview with Yellow. And the cast sleeping outdoors. Not the most dramatic stuff.
  11. "Robotech Love Live Alive." Heh. That's awesome. Unless of course, they're just doing a VERY early April Fool's prank...
  12. If your girlfriend ever wants a new boyfriend, tell her I'm available...
  13. Okay, I can buy that.
  14. One question about the 1982 film... If they can't get new game shows on VHS, how do they keep supplying the one guy with pot...?
  15. No...it's Misa's flashback to Riber telling her he's leaving for Mars.
  16. So...he considers Mikuru the ultimate, but he refuses to say so...? That's weird.
  17. This was a question, wasn't it...? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35559&view=findpost&p=933374 So, anyway...who do YOU consider the ultimate...?
  18. You never answered me...if Mikuru is the "penultimate" expression of moe...then who's the "ultimate"?
  19. What people have said here before (and I'm sure Azrael has proof) is that comics and games fall under "merchandise," and nobody has any doubt that HG has clear merchandising rights to the show(s).
  20. rm...do you mean remastering, or remaking...? 'Cause if it's remastering, both the US and Japan have done that, separately...
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