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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. They SHOULDN'T be...with a population of 10 million aboard the fleet...
  2. It's like how a head exploding in graphic detail gets an "R" rating, but a woman's orgasm is "NC-17."
  3. Pretty much, yeah. So if a girl's breasts aren't absolutely massive, and she's not a huge pop star, she doesn't deserve love. Gotcha.
  4. So if they look like a child, their dreams of love should get totally stomped on, huh? Again, damn. You're hardcore.
  5. So because you don't like the "type," you want them all to get their hearts broken and dreams crushed...? Damn. You're hardcore.
  6. Because nothing BUT NOTHING is more fun that crushing a young girl's heart, am I right?
  7. Question for Josue, Save, Tochiro, Renato, Xard, and anyone else who saw the movie in the theater... On the DVD version, the Vajra Queen very clearly folds, yet I don't remember seeing it vanish in the theatrical version...was that scene altered, or am I just going blind?
  8. I was watching the Japanese news this evening, and a report on the Boeing 787 was accompanied by "Fly up in the air" from Macross Plus...
  9. Don't worry, I'll fix it. Just wait about five-to-ten years.
  10. DAMN! REALLY? I thought the "Open Ranka" sequence was the best scene in the movie... I guess the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you may not be right for some.
  11. Well...we COULD just go with the novelization of the movie, which claims it's a VF-19ADVANCE...whatever that is...
  12. I think we can all agree that NastyNate missed the entire point of the show.
  13. Funnily enough, on another forum, one guy who was talking about how the Vajra should've been wiped out was also using the odd term "humantradi" for humans and Zentradi joined...and completely missed the irony.
  14. Pretty much, yeah. I think all Macross series (except, arguably, Plus) are at least partially about the question, "What do you do when you have an enemy that you can't just decimate? Moreover, what happens when you find out that that enemy SHOULDN'T be decimated?" In the orginal, it was because the enemy were "just like us." In II, it was the same. In 7, it was because they were simply too powerful to destroy. Ditto Zero (if you take "the enemy" as being the Bird-Human, that is). And in Frontier it's because while the Vajra are completely alien to us, they are still complex beings who were manipulated into war, but don't desire it. All that being said, the only good computer-generated AI pop singer is a dead computer-generated AI pop singer. EDIT: That means this girl's next on the hit list. FIRE AWAY!!
  15. Personally, I dislike leaving the honorifics in unless the show in question is set in Japan, with Japanese characters. But that's neither here nor there, really. I watched the subs and thought Commie did a pretty great job, especially considering how quickly they made them. Oh, and there's at least one scene that's been altered on the DVD...that scene where the computer readout says "SMALL INTESTINES"...? In the theater, that read "SMALL INTESTINESS."
  16. Well, the problem here is obviously that the Vajra aren't just going to sit back and let themselves get slugged into nothingness. And human victory against the Vajra is anything but a sure bet...so if you CAN communicate with them, you probably SHOULD...or else millions, perhaps billions, of people get killed for pretty much no reason.
  17. You're absolutely right. And disliking Frontier is perfectly fine (although it's kind of a minority view here). But we've had problems before with Robotech fan trolls showing up just to stir up trouble, so everyone's a little cautious these days. Remember, this thread is just here to contain the Robotech insanity...you're probably better off spending your time in the "Movies and Series" forum, or the "Toys" forum. Those are where the REAL action is.
  18. Well yeah...it's clear that the creators didn't come up with the idea of Fold Faults until Frontier, but it's just as clear that they can be retroactively applied to previous Macross shows as though they were there all along, but humanity didn't know about them. EDIT: forgot the "n't."
  19. But they're not brainless. Their brains are just in their stomachs, not their heads.
  20. And the Zentradi wiped out the earth, but peace was still made with them.
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