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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Alas, no.
  2. No. (And it's "canon," not "cannon." ) EDIT: Ninja'd by Azrael...
  3. Can't fully get on board with that, but to support your case, you should also know that the word "Basara" means "Vajra."
  4. You're thinking of Star Crash, starring TV's own David Hasselhoff. And yeah, the special effects are indeed recycled...which just makes "Escape from Galaxy 3" even WORSE.
  5. Oh, BELIEVE ME...for the best scenes, you need to watch the full movie.
  6. What about "Escape from Galaxy 3"? Fun for the whole family, until the sex scenes kick in...
  7. Prepare for rejection.
  8. Macross the First is now officially gettin' BIZARRE (not that that's a bad thing...)
  9. Great show, guys! (And Veef, don't worry...you're still awesome, even if you didn't like Re:Fire). EDIT: Oh, and thank you for saying "Glaug" correctly.
  10. It's a perfectly cromulant word... Does it really matter? It's a fictional world. Why get wrapped up in "what actually happened," when, really, NONE of it happened...?
  11. One art book, one novel. One more novel definitely coming, and one more art book should be coming as well.
  12. The illustrations are also on the website, in the chapters themselves.
  13. Huh...haven't heard THAT yet. No, I think anyone who thinks he came back is basically relying on Sheryl's earring flash during the credits, not because you can hear Alto anywhere.
  14. Better question: does anyone care?
  15. They're in the visual book as well.
  16. For what's it's worth, I figured he was dead... But then, he showed up alive at the end of the "Sheryl~Kiss in the Galaxy" manga...
  17. We're not sure yet, honestly. There was a translation of an interview from Animedia where Kawamori apparently stated that (paraphrasing here) "the end credits give a hint for what will happen," but the original interview (in Japanese) hasn't been scanned. And since twice (at least), AltoXSheryl fans have simply made up info to suit their needs (first was Shaloom with his "Ohnogi interviews," second was fabricating a Yoko Kanno/May'n interview where they talked about Megumi not being able to sing the Sayonara no Tsubasa songs), I'm waiting until a scan of the original article shows up before I feel I can safely say, "Yeah, Kawamori said this."
  18. Sorry to nit-pick, but I really hate it when the word "deconstruction" is misused in that way. Deconstruction is a method of READING texts, not WRITING or CREATING them.
  19. Wait...52, yes? He was 16 in 2009, which would make him 52 in 2045.
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