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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Possibly. Admittedly, when walking out of the theater, I heard one of said girls saying (in Japanese), "Thank goodness Michel didn't die!" I turned to her and said (also in Japanese), "Yeah, that was great, wasn't it?" And then she turned to her friend and exclaimed, "Oh my God! That foreigner speaks Japanese!" If that didn't turn me off, nothing will.
  2. If by that you mean it was ridiculous yet awesome, then I agree.
  3. Gotta love the last supposed "final sting"... http://www.robotechx.com/forums/43-movies-tv-and-sci-fi/16866-pacific-rim-2013.html?limit=10&start=10#17717 Is Maverick_LSC out of touch OR WHAT...?
  4. That's more-or-less my tale as well.
  5. My answer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li9_IEQVlwM
  6. All praise goes to DEVO...for completing the "Johnny B. Goode" trilogy and paying homage to November 22, all in one fell swoop... ...Beat THAT, Wanzerfan!
  7. Well...*I* liked it... I'll admit, it's hard to refuse a theater-full of sobbing Japanese high-school girls, though.
  8. Indeed. The last Robotech merchandise I ever bought was the Robotech Perfect Collection VHS tapes as they were coming out...and I certainly DIDN'T buy them for the Robotech portions. The "people" who were excited sound kinda dumb. But any objective standard, Robotech more or less fell apart in the late '80s, with the stillbirth of the Sentinels and the failure of The Untold Story. The release of Macross II and Macross Plus in the west should've been the final nail in the coffin. But then, as Renato points out... I believe this is 100% correct. And thus, you have added the first NEW bit of info into this thread in QUITE a long time. Congratulations. Next time we hang out, your coffee's on me.
  9. It's a twist on DYRL...nothing more, nothing less.
  10. Wait...it was going somewhere BEFORE that...? When, exactly?
  11. Seconded. That sounds horrific.
  12. Well...the problem is that there are too many unknowns in the deal. We know that HG approached BW, and we also know that no deal was struck. Without knowing what the terms proposed were, we don't know if HG was being generous or not, or if BW was being petty or sensible.
  13. That sounds like it would be a lot more interesting tale than anything else going on in this thread...
  14. If you got the limited first edition, yes. Although Renato pointed out another difference between the theatrical version and the special edition to me: the theatrical version is in mono, while the special edition is in stereo.
  15. I really dislike the added ending... Yeah, I know it was meant to be there originally, but I prefer the credits-on-black-screen, and leaving the concert for FB2012. Am I weird?
  16. Yes, he is. He's singing ESPECIALLY for such people.
  17. Agreed. But that person ain't me.
  18. I'm working on it...get back to me in, like, five years or so, and it'll all be good.
  19. Don't hope. "If you keep your expectations tiny, you'll go through life without being so whiny."
  20. Our DYRL version should be out by February... I'm hoping for the Misa novel and drama album before that. And THEN there's the DYRL novelization to consider, in which the Macross has the Daedalus and Prometheus attached, and Hikaru and Misa find the wreck of the ARMD-05 on earth... Believe me...the more you read, the more you realize how messed up the entire Macross continuity is.
  21. Never let reality get in the way of an iconic image!!
  22. I'm trying to do that, actually. I've put a "Translator's note" in Misa Hayase: White Reminiscences, and I'll probably put some kind of note if I actually get to Macross Zero. And yes, I'm going to color-code the timeline. I'm just trying to decide if DYRL should be the same shade of red as SDFM TV, or if it should be more orange.
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