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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. I personally like saying I'm a Macross fan because it pisses off Robotech fans. (Including one who, whenever he talks about me, has to use an effeminate, "faggy" voice, despite the fact that my voice is deeper than his. But that's how he rolls, I guess...he's got to build his self-esteem wherever he can, right...?)
  2. Better Barzam than Acguy...
  3. MERRY CHRISTMAS...IDOL STYLE!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmfli1WCcFA
  4. You change subjects just like an acrobat.
  5. Hmm... Are you sure he wasn't thinking of the short stories that detail Isamu meeting Alto's dad...?
  6. No, it wasn't. It was really, really stupid.
  7. No. If it were, say, "Ai Oboeteimasuka," though, it'd be a different story.
  8. I think that was Scannerfish's point. Michael Bradley didn't, y'know, play by Tommy's rules. And thus gets his piece of the pie taken away, or something like that. I dunno...does Bendo have some theory about why Michael Bradley should be ostracized...?
  9. Best Rice Krispies ad EVER:
  10. Because both of them are based on the Super/Strike parts, just modified and tweaked...? (Although I think the Tornado parts look more like the Stampede Valkyrie than the VF-2SS....)
  11. If it isn't, you could always ask for an explanation here.
  12. Way ahead of ya...
  13. No it doesn't. It should simply go back to the eighties, where it belongs, and stay there.
  14. Are you sure they're gone for good, or are they just between pressings?
  15. And yet...it still says "RIBER" on his door a few pages earlier... Anyway, yeah, good chapter. Let me absorb it a bit more and I'll post my thoughts in the "Macross the First" thread. As for the other stuff... Macross Plus: TAC Name looks like it'll be finishing up in a few months...Guld just got his memory back. "Alto Meets Sky" is a reprint from Macross Ace. LAME. Especially since it's also available in the collected Nyan Dora book. Some of t-shirts and ties look cool, though: http://p-bandai.jp/fashion-net/character/macrossf/list-da10-n0/
  16. I'm watching it right now. It's not very good. EDIT: Kuno's dining room is pretty awesome, though.
  17. Been there, done that.
  18. Ah, okay...yeah, I did the same thing myself, as a thought exercise. 'Cept I was figuring out how to do Gundam as a series of Hollywood movies. Couldn't figure out how to do it in less than four films, and the problem was what to do with the kids, since kids grow up so fast...
  19. Um...okay. The difference being that Macross Frontier is actually GOOD.
  20. Let's take MORE mecha shows from the '80s and CHANGE THEM so they fit ROBOTECH!! We can do Orguss...and Votoms...and Vifam...Hell, even Galvion can find a place!
  21. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT...? Have you, for example, written a summary for how Star Wars can be incorporated into Battlestar Galactica? Or how Star Trek could become an appendage of Genesis II...?
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