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Everything posted by Gubaba

  1. Did you see his username?
  2. I just want to see cool dogfights with a great soundtrack, no matter who's involved.
  3. I have no inside info here or anything, but I kind of doubt that... After all, Mihoshi High had a VF-1 (with UN Spacy kite) on its frickin' roof...
  4. Gubaba

    Hi-Metal R

    Careful... Those Anti-Delta people might attack...
  5. That's your prerogative... But it IS Natasha Lyonne.
  6. And bonus... Kawamori's File 3 pic:
  7. She's just the nicest. Most bestest and sweetest.
  8. Your wish is my command...
  9. Hey, better than Kawamori's pic for volume 2, which shows the VF-25 and VF-27 making out.
  10. Oh, pshaw... Plenty of celebrities want to use their status to help change the world. Sharon was just more proactive than most.
  11. From Nyan-Cret File 1:
  12. I have them close by (I think...). I'll pull them out and see what I can find.EDIT: and I'll post them in the art thread so as not to clutter this one up even more.
  13. I floated that exact idea on the SpeakerPodcast about a year and a half ago...
  14. Whether I like it or not (and I'm pretty sure I will... I like pretty much everything Macross, except FB7... And even that was almost saved by the final concert scene and the blu-ray extras), I hope it's a massive hit. At the very least, with Thomas Romain doing the "world design," it should be interesting to look at.
  15. I've seen a few reactions in some of the Facebook groups. Most of them aren't saying anything, but among the vocal ones, most are saying it's probably going to be bad or not their thing.Only one guy I've seen (so far, at least) has suggested adapting it as a new Robotech series.
  16. That's not far off from Aquarion Logos...And yeah, sounds like snarl. It's ヴァール, whereas "Var" would probably be ヴァー.
  17. I'd say "Varl" rather than "Var," and the "va" here is spelled differently than the "va" in "Varauta," so I doubt there's a connection.
  18. Just trying to turn the thread in a more positive direction...
  19. Not saying you're wrong, but C.S. Lewis was kind of an idiot.
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