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Everything posted by Lodizah

  1. How much time do you spend on a model ? It's so much hard work. I wish I could finish my own. Gonna finish up the Nora type one day.
  2. Got them for $110 out in Long Island NY at All Seasons. They only got one pair of every size.
  3. Just got them today
  4. Good Job, you work pretty fast. By the way where did you get your VF-0a
  5. Drill the wing to make the pylon fit flush. The pylon will line up to the wing better.
  6. Anyone got line art for the VF-2. I think I need to scribe in more panel lines.
  7. It;'s not hard. More time goes into decal work then the actual modelling.
  8. Great job Jarrod. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Can you post more pics of the hinges, so I can try to make my own. Also what material did you use for your custom parts.
  9. Grayson I primed it gray and then used model master semi gloss white acrylic. When I took the pic of the vf-0s, it was under flourecent light. The detail of the panel lines and the whole plane in general looked darker and a little weathered in the day light. I will try different lighting. Valkyrie I know about slacking still have boxed models Vf-1 strike battriod VF-1s hase ground crew perfect grade GP01
  10. last
  11. top
  12. bottom view
  13. head looks nice, but this is the last time to see it uncovered.
  14. here's another pic
  15. Here's my almost completed VF-0s. All that's left is decal work . Taking a break on this thing, too many decals. May be I'll finish next week. Anyway when putting the feet into the bottom of the leg be careful because the leg seams on mine split open. So I got to re-glue, sand, prime and air brush the legs again. My thanks to all the model makers on this site for all the helpful tips. Also since I primed it gray I used about 2 bottles of the model master paints.
  16. Exo Had to scan original art and resize it to fit the new ray trailer. Then I used double stick tape to mount the panels on. Also had to cut and drill the trailer's frame to heighten the wheels to be level with Prime. Even used the piece of plastic supplied with the card board trailer as a retro fitted hitch. That cardboard business is horrible. In the pic is the left overs of the original frame (black piece of plastic makes excellent shims).
  17. Hello everybody Click for my version of the new ray MPC trailer MPC prime trailer
  18. Hi long time lurker first time posting. What type of paint is used for the panel line wash and what is used to dilute the paint. Also is there a place on the forum that lists the tools and types of paint required to build models.
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