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Everything posted by optimator88

  1. Awesome! Now, how do I use them?
  2. I love customizing valks, but I'm to scared to take my Yammies apart, much less paint them. Thats why I do Jetfires. You can get old yellowed ones off of ebay for a decent price ($20-30). It's too bad the Chunkies are so hard to pose. Does anyone know if there has been a Chunkie pose thread??
  3. My new 1/60 Roy leading some chunkies.
  4. After taking him apart and sanding some more, I can finally transform him with ease. And best of all, no chipping! What an awesome product Future is
  5. So sweet. I love the fast packs' color!
  6. So I finally put this guy together. They come apart much easier than they go back together. I've been trying to force him in to Battroid mode but the sholder hinges stick. Looks like I've got some sanding to do. I tried a coat of Future for the first time too, and it seems to really help with the chipping, but it's a little glossy for my taste. Should I coat the next one in a satin clear after the Future to get rid of the gloss??
  7. I just finished painting my Jetfire in TV version Hikaru colors. I had to brush all the colored paint on, what a pain. I really need to invest in an airbrush. Anyone have any suggestions for a good cheap one?? I'll post some other pics once I get it together.
  8. That is sweet. I want one too!
  9. After a day of soaking in the straight Pinesol the paint pealed off with no problem. A little wiping and brushing and its ready to be repainted. Thanks for the help
  10. Are you guys just using straight pinesol? I diluted mine like it says on the bottle and it hasn't made a dent in the paint even though it's been soaking almost 2 weeks.
  11. The first mentioned removers looked great but I couldn't find any around town. So I just submerged the parts in a Pine Sol solution. I'll report back whatever happens.
  12. Thanks for the ideas!
  13. With my first custom finished it's time to move on to another. I need some paint stripping advice, and this seems to be the place to ask. I've read threads recommending soaking parts in Joy for a week and also about oven cleaner, but everyone seemed to be stripping the original paint. I've acquired a couple of already repainted Jetfires, and the paint is thick and applied with a brush. They look ok, but I would love to be able to strip them down and redo them. If you can see on the red one the, it's so thick that it covers up the panel lines. Has anyone tried stripping thick coats of already applied paint from their valks? Any tips would be welcome. I'm trying to avoid killing any more toys. My girlfriend confidently said she could remove the paint. Trusting her I gave her a jetfire and she left it sealed in a bag of paint thinner over night. The next day it was melted into an ugly green rock
  14. Haha, I knew something looked off about it. I tried reversing the intake decal, but the size difference made it look ridiculous.
  15. Thanks, here is battroid mode.
  16. Hi, I just recently found this website and was inspired by all the incredible custom Valks. I've never customized or painted anything so I was pretty worried going into this. Especially about chipping, but it could have been much worse. Luckily, I read someone's comment that said to sand down all the places that could rub, but I guess I should have sanded some more because there are still some places that like to stick. I also didn't have any proper stickers or decals, so I just used a couple from a spare Toynami MPC stickers that were laying around. I borrowed the color scheme from Dead Zone, so thanks go out to him. Oh yeah, and a big thanks to everyone else here who has gotten me totally hooked on a new hobby. There are some amazingly skilled people on this site. Now I can't wait to start on a 1/48!
  17. That explains the trouble. Thanks for the help.
  18. Hi, This is my first post on this site. I've had an MPC Ben Dixon for awhile and just decided to try and transform him. I've got other chunky monkeys that i can transform fine, but unfortunately I can't get past step one on this MPC. I looked online and couldn't find anyone with the same problem. From Battroid mode, Step 1. Remove the clear canopy shield by sliding it down. I can't get the canopy to slide down. I've tried pressing down and prying up. I don't want to break the canopy or the chest plate just above. I didn't know where the proper place to ask was, but I hope someone here can help me. Thanks!
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