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Everything posted by optimator88

  1. those are all sorts of awesomeness
  2. That looks sweet, I love the color. What color did you use for the FP?
  3. Thanks, I can't get enough of the chunkies either.
  4. I've always liked the VF-1D paint scheme but have never been lucky enough to own one. So, I painted up one of my chunkies in a 1D inspired theme. I obviously wasn't trying to stay too close to the actual design from the show, just wanted something similar. I'll take some more pics later if he can actually transform to battroid mode. I just noticed the seat in the cockpit is sitting up kinda high, but that will have to wait until later to fix edit: battroid pics updated
  5. Try this: http://anymoon.com/blog/2008/12/29/yamato-...er-tv-releases/
  6. Nice looking canopy. I'm going to have to try that.
  7. Small world, I'm in grad school at KU right now Now if my classes would only stop getting in the way of my valks And that VF-22S looks sick with the that paint scheme.
  8. I like to clean up my house, or work room, so that the only mess left is my sprawled out pile of half finished valk parts. This only works if the project isn't too big though.
  9. I sent them some emails a month ago and never got a reply. Good luck.
  10. OK, let me start off by saying that I am an idiot. I have been collecting Macross toys for less than a year, and customizing them for only a fraction of that. I have been haphazardly applying coats of paint to my toys, completely oblivious to any differences in types of paint. I just checked my paints and custom chunkies, and it appears that I have sprayed lacquer, over both enamel and acrylic paints. The toys seem to be fine so far though. Some of them I coated in future before the lacquer and some of them I did not. I'll have to be a bit more careful in the future.
  11. optimator88

    Latest custom.

    I'd never really liked the GBP armor, but that looks awesome on that valk. Beautiful.
  12. Just use a sharp exacto knife to cut around them. It's really pretty easy.
  13. If you can point me to the Japanese text I can probably translate it.
  14. After painting, 2 or 3 parts had lots of i guess what you would call micro cracks in the paint. But that was for both the Krylon and the testors. Not sure what the problem was. I just washed the parts off in pinesol and repainted them. No problems the second time around.
  15. I checked out your examples but I couldn't tell exactly what you had done to the feet, although something was definitely different about the "Dream Catchers" ones. Could you explain what you did? Awesome looking chunkies by the way
  16. I used Krylon for the base coat, and testors for the orange. I hope to do some armor for it too.
  17. My current chunky project
  18. Thanks, I didn't think of that. So it's like doing a wash.
  19. I've circled the the area I'm not sure how to paint. Do I just paint over it in the base color and then go back and fill in the black parts carefully? There are a bunch of these on the Valk so I thought I'd ask the experts before screwing it up. Thanks
  20. Get the 1/48 VF 1J. The YF-19 can wait.
  21. Thanks, something like that is what I was looking for. The Japanese says that the "container" is the " Micro Missile Pod", so I'm guessing the stickers go somewhere on there. Just not exactly sure on location. You can see them (small red color) in the pic in the first post.
  22. Even the 1/72 strike instructions are missing those decals. It could be that they go on the missiles somewhere, and that kit is lacking them because it is in Battroid mode.
  23. Picked up some red Jetfire armor and repainted it for the valk
  24. I've finally gotten around to stickering up my first 1/48. It's a VF-1S Roy/Strike and the Takatoys stickers I've applied look fantastic. However, there are a number of stickers that I have no idea where they go. In particular the "UUM-7,RMS-1, and Micro Missle Unit" stickers from the strike sticker sheet. I've searched through all the photos on this site and can't find them on anyones valks. Are these just extras to stick on on a whim? Any help, guides, or pics, would be greatly appreciated.
  25. This might be obvious to everyone else, but I have to ask. What is an igloo, and why do you fill it with hot tap water??
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