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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Was it: Comettor, minicon of Armada Jetfire ? I know Comettor has a comms array similar to the VE/VT-1's. I have 3 Jetfires.
  2. You, sir, have just avoided a nasty Kadun. Had you not laughed, the sea would have become tainted in blood...
  3. Pete, you're now officially my hero.
  4. Bad News: someone took my Afrin... And right when I was gonna start recording...
  5. I only have one disagreement: The VF-0. That is the second biggest, second heaviest (I think) valk in the series. The SV-51 is first. And it really just looks like a huge, retconned VF-1.
  6. Neither. It's actually a strange, islander religious artifact.
  7. ... Is it just me or does that VFgirl look like it has horse legs? 0_0
  8. Yeah, I agree. Save it. It feels weird. I CAN'T MOUTH BREATHE! Also, I have this weird, cold feeling at the back of my mouth... This stuff works better than a prescription I had once. I'll try auditioning for something, I guess... Preferably a cannon fodder or other helmetted role, because they have short lines, don't have to sound awesome, and it doesn't matter if they have an orthodontic device in their mouth.
  9. KEH?! Damn, people say I have too much time on my hands...
  10. Got some Afrin today, and you're right. It works friggin' wonders! For the first time I can remember, I can breathe!
  11. Adding blood makes it a sick fetish that the Japanese seem to have. I'll stick with un-bloody VFgirl
  12. Didn't he already say he wasn't gonna do that? Not to be a troll or anything, but...
  13. Ring Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring.. BANANA PHONE! So, progress on my costume: I've found the perfect jumpsuit fo this I've found some straps Figured out what to do for the helmet Hair is in place
  14. Thou has incited the wrath of Schizo's Quote-changing. "Hkaru, you've got to come back with me!" "Where?" "Back to the Macross!" "Roy, come on, what are you doing?" "I need fuel!" "Aw, come on, Roc, I just got back. I was gonna take Misa out for a spin up to the lake in the new plane." "Take her; this concerns her, too." "What happens to us in the future, Roy? What, do we become apefaces or something?" "Uh, no, you and Misa turn out fine. It's your kids, Hikaru! Something's got to be done about your kids!" "Roy, you gotta back up! There's not enough flight deck to get up to 88!" "Flight deck? Where we're going, we don't need... Flight decks." *Converts to GERWALK*
  15. Oh... COOL! I love papercraft. Reminds me of the VF-1s I have on my shelf. The paper ones, that is.
  16. Which reminds me, I forgot to give you 1200 internets.
  17. It's been done for a whiles now. He's even got some work on Frontier and Zero.
  18. Okay, moving on, I think we have our answer: Make the decals in photoshop or the like, print them on decal paper, apply.
  19. Now, promise from now on, you will post coherently in normal typeset. That's just one of the many ways I have to say: WELCOME TO MACROSS WORLD! HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  20. Yea google it? Do you mean, "Yeah, Google it."?
  21. *Retches*
  22. I know Tomoya... Actually just finished Clannad After Story today.
  23. What you said makes sense. Perhaps, instead of what I said earlier, the VF-0 was, in fact, designed to use Jet engines, or larger TRTs, since the technology hadn't been shrunk by that point. (Same process as cell phones getting smaller) As far as I recall, it was only implied that TRTs hadn't been completely developed. It's only explicitly stated that they weren't ready. I'm kind of thinking it was meant as the ones they were manufacturing at the time for the VF-0 weren't complete, yet, due to the complexity of their construction costing time. So, they weren't used, instead using normal Jet turbines. Correct me if I'm mistaken.
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