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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. I do, too.... Just not as Nanase.
  2. You are one of few who loves Grace that much. Most people like the others, and that includes fanartists. Unfortunately...
  3. Pretty good, Hik. Same to you, Che and Cristina. Anyway, we move on to my nitpick: I know it's not done, but I'm gonna say when I get the chance, I'm volunteering for the intro. Your voice is too... Teenage pilot for the ominity one would expect from an intro about the history of humans blah blah blah. Again, it's the Shin Kudo note. You're good in some roles, not in others. That, though, is my only nitpick, aisde from Ranka and Michelle versus Lanca and Michael. And those are practically invalid points, since it's spelled Ranka and sometimes pronounced Michel. Now, git 'r done promptly, so's I can watch the awesoem that is Dark Heroes Entratainment.
  4. Nasa F-18 Color Scheme F-15 ACTIVE Color Scheme Either one. F-15 ACTIVE would probably look better on something with Canard Planes, though.
  5. "It's a trap!" -Varauta Captain upon folding into space near MACROSS 7
  6. I'd like to reiterate: Pete, you are my hero.
  7. But, Pete! Her boobs aren't big enough! It's HERESY for that to be called Nanase. I think it's just some girl that attends the same school, has the same hair, and glasses. A twin sister, perhaps?
  8. "Now witness the power of this fully operational battle station." -Admiral Hayase
  9. It would seem Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Boten Anna... Or, in this case, Vanessa....
  10. That said, the basic designs of those have been described in EU material going back to pre-Macross. Not to mention there were similar structures on Bespin... And that was filmed in 80...
  11. I don't know. Got a new bottle, though. Currently, I'm unable to record because my father (Whom is deaf) is using his video phone (Government grant lets him get a Sorenson VRS VP200 for free. It uses ethernet to transmit its signal) in my room. Why is it in my room? He's an ass, and that's all I can think of. He's really loud, so he'd register pretty noticeably in the recording. He uses that thing near-constantly, lately...
  12. You, sir, win the day.
  13. Damned creative censorship...
  14. Not to mention, Kira had messy hair and was in a love triangle. Also: Horrible, best-friend pilot (Tolle in Seed, Kakizaki in Macross) dies. His mentor (Mu) dies in battle; looks similar to Roy (Blond, manly*) I've got a few more I can't remember now. *Note: Blond is manlier than blonde.
  15. If Breetai got Rick Hunter, yet.
  16. Exactly. He has TIME for a hobby. People say I have too much time on MY hands, when I really don't. The stuff I do (Papercraft) gets done in no time at all.
  17. Wait a s- A WHITE WOMAN'S ASS DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THAT! It's not accurate! I disapprove!
  18. +5 to her. :Seriously, WHERE'S THE DROOL SMILEY?:
  19. You missed one. In this video, at about 2:27, MEGAS fires its Macross Cannon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQN9C8oCfEc Not to mention the very nature by which it arrives.
  20. Pamela Anderson has two huge melons slightly below her shoulders and her bras fit...
  21. Vepariga: Nice cosplay. VFTF1 is right, That's too young for Misa. Welcome to Macross World. Hope you have a good one. Graham: Sorry. I said that only because I was sure Hikuro would take no offense. Hikuro: You weren't offended, right? Also, I'll give you 25 internets if you actually do that. Pete: Except in that case, Max and Miriya (Sorry, they're 'Techies) are married... AND THEIR KID (Actually named Miriya) IS RANKA! On that last bit, I must add: "PROTOCULTURE!!!!!!!" -Gorg Bodolza, The Super Dimension Fortress: Macross Do You Remember Love? (Right before he died.)
  22. Or you could accept it in the way I meant it: You are fat man, Hikuro. No one knocks my teeth in! I'm on the internet That said, I have nothing against fat people, I was just making fun of you.
  23. Only the chubby-chasers...
  24. Aw, I was hoping he would be Flanders.
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