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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Well, of course it takes time. But, then, you've gotta realize that it's only when it's moving exactly parallel to you. If you're moving antiparallel to it, you'll be over it in seconds. Relativistic speed, right, Mike? I don't see the point in it having huge guns. It's not a fleet, it's an aircraft carrier. It can have CIWS and anti-ship weapons, even, but as soon as it comes to having a million guns, it's really pointless. At that point, you don't need the fighter squadron, so you can eliminate that aspect, which would cut its role to something else. Point of this post: Leave it to the fighters. Concentrate on shooting the missiles down!
  2. Must to be 3000 or 5000. Any other would fail. And, am I the only one who thinks there's no chance of a Yamato 17 any time soon?
  3. *Cough*Check Sankaku Complex*cough*
  4. It was INTENDED to be. However, as it stands, Executor is 19km long.
  5. You think he looks like Jean-Claude Van Damme? I think he looks more like a young Temuera Morrison. IT'S THE ATTACK OF THE CLONES!
  6. Becuase of the red and the blue on top of that white. Besides, maybe now people will love the Angel as much as I do.
  7. I'm not even gonna keep bothering with this. As a general note, apparently you shouldn't listen to anything I say. It's always wrong.
  8. What is this, School Days? (For those who don't know, )
  9. "IDIOT! Who can face a war if they can't face a bottle?!" -Roy Focker
  10. Dark Grey Storm Bird and Angel Birds 19, prepare to be MINE!
  11. Outside, it's identical to the F-14B. Inside, it's mostly so. There are a few differences, which warrant its name.
  12. I may be able to pass you off as a fat Gilliam Again, Hik, you know I don't mean to offend.
  13. I'm not gonna go too hard in arguing this, but the F-14C did see a few test types. And the F-14A even saw F101 action. I don't even know why we're going on about F-14Cs and the turbines. In a 1/48 kit, are you really gonna notice the turbines when the Nacelles are the same rough shape? For that matter, it doesn't seem like they could've used F101s in the Mac0 F-14s, anyway. The only Tommie I don't like: Shin's.
  14. May I say "That's what she said"? But, that said, the big nose makes it more anime accurate than the 1/60, which has a POINTY nose. The VF-1 has a VERY curved-off nose.
  15. Because everyone's sick of Blue on Gold, when there are even canon schemes (For example, Prototype One (Look it up on the Macross Mecha Manual)) that haven't been exploited.
  16. No, what she said. "DO IT!" That's what she said!
  17. We should all chip in $20. Then, all together, we'll have... Not nearly enough... Damn. Perhaps a month's Valk money? $150-200 per member?
  18. F-14C exists, but was an extremely short run of planes that might as well've been Bs. Though, you're correct with the rest of it. The M0 Tommie was the D's airframe with an A-like cockpit, and I believe the removal of the wing gloves. Note that the A and B both used the TF30 and the D had the working engines.
  19. This guy has no life... Or he's a fast modeller... Or both... It's probably both. There's nothing wrong with Hikkomori!
  20. So, we're all Texans, here, then? That's weird...
  21. I know how you feel. My 1/48 VF-1S 25th Anniversary's joints are all loose (Every single, freakin' one of them, save the ratchets (And even those don't hold up) and I almost have to prop him up for him to stand. Don't think about posing. And the leg keeps coming off! However, my Angel is perfect..
  22. To anyone who asks, I have 2 1/48s, both of which I got for Christmas. I also have several small Gundam, Zoids, and Transformers action figures and models, all of which I paid for with money from various odd jobs. I dislike the smallness... Thus, I plan on buying a 1/60 PG Strike Gundam model this summer.
  23. And she's done: Ez8's one of my favorite Mobile Suits, simply because of how screwed up it gets in its only battle.
  24. Currently on my Workbench... Er, Desk, is the Bandai High Grade 1/144 RX-79(G) GUNDAM Ez8 Sprues Completed Bits Incomplete Bits My apologies for the bad pictures. Saw this at HobbyTown USA for $12, and I HAD to get it.
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