Well, realize this also: The ECA is still active as long as the tubines are producing power. Further, it's made of "space metal" which seems to have the capability to withstand that heat.
Further, Isamu's an ace pilot of a variable fighter and has acclimated himself to high g-loads. He was hiccing the whole time and straining to remain concious. Thus, it shows how even the most storied pilots struggle against that.
You've gotta remember that Shoji Kawamori, unlike many other mecha designers, likes to base his designs off of real physics. You see the VF-1? It's known to be able to fly, as is its cousin, the VF-0; the SV-51, and the VF-11. They're least off the beaten path. Of course, the VF-25 can, too, and the VF-27 probably can, since it's similar to the SV. Then, there are the more exotic designs, like the -19, -17, and-22. The 22 can fly, of course, since it really follows even the conventional laws, and the 17's extremely simliar to the F-117. The VF-19, however, is quite different. It has forward-swept wings. Now, we know that flies. Further, its wings swing backwards.
The physics behind them explain how they can possibly fly.
Yeah, but VE is stated to mean Variable ELINT, more specific than Variable Electronic.