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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Shi-! You're right! I mixed up the ADFX-02 and the ADFX-01 again. Both incarnations of the Falken had the fin, and it was pretty damn big. Further, it didn't seem to do much. It may not have been as volumetric as an ELINT fin, but it was as long as one, and presented the same forward drag profile, as well as an elevated roll drag profile.
  2. It's not like any of this does me any good, anyway. I AM only 15, on my way to my first job in fast food... PLEASE, TACO BELL, ACCEPT MY APPLICATION!
  3. Super-class Star Destroyer. It describes how the term "Super Star Destroyer" came in as a misnomer. Sourced from Starwars.com, even. Star Dreadnought. PS You say it's from a wiki, thus it can't be trusted, yet previously, you bring up Wikipedia. Further, this IS sourced from Starwars.com. Also, I need more money to accomodate Valks AND baklava.
  4. Yeah. And, I mean, I see the ELINT fin retracted in a few cases, but that said, I've seen the RVF go into combat with it extended. Then, there's the ADF-01F Falken and ADFX-02 Morgan from the Ace Combat series that fly always with a fin in the same location extended. However, it's not for an ELINT purpose. By the way, Mike, your sig: The last thing you saw before you lost conciousness in the collapse was Misa getting up.
  5. Nothing fancy. Just thought it looked sexy.
  6. See, that's what I was thinking. Dex, please answer us! You're at ERAU-Az!
  7. Yeah, it flashed in the background for half a second, along with the original Gundam, Wing Zero, and something else, I can't remember what.
  8. Eat one, Drew Carrey. Shed some light: Star Dreadnaught, the classification of the Executor-class.
  9. His sexual attraction is to machines. Why do you think he's so fond of Grace?
  10. To answer your question,
  11. Que?! Quid?! *ASL* What?! */ASL*
  12. It means you don't have to worry as much about rolling drag as with 90s, for one. (See ELINT Fin issue) A few more issues with that, I'm not too familiar with, so I'll let someone else do it.
  13. It's lighting the way, dude!
  14. Well, realize this also: The ECA is still active as long as the tubines are producing power. Further, it's made of "space metal" which seems to have the capability to withstand that heat. Further, Isamu's an ace pilot of a variable fighter and has acclimated himself to high g-loads. He was hiccing the whole time and straining to remain concious. Thus, it shows how even the most storied pilots struggle against that. You've gotta remember that Shoji Kawamori, unlike many other mecha designers, likes to base his designs off of real physics. You see the VF-1? It's known to be able to fly, as is its cousin, the VF-0; the SV-51, and the VF-11. They're least off the beaten path. Of course, the VF-25 can, too, and the VF-27 probably can, since it's similar to the SV. Then, there are the more exotic designs, like the -19, -17, and-22. The 22 can fly, of course, since it really follows even the conventional laws, and the 17's extremely simliar to the F-117. The VF-19, however, is quite different. It has forward-swept wings. Now, we know that flies. Further, its wings swing backwards. The physics behind them explain how they can possibly fly. Yeah, but VE is stated to mean Variable ELINT, more specific than Variable Electronic.
  15. Completely and totally agreed.
  16. I love super-scale...
  17. Wow... You know, that reminds me: There was a VF in the last episode of G Gundam.
  18. Again, I order in "bulk." That is, to say, not MANY items, but BIG items. Like 3 PG Gundams, 5 MGs, and 2 HGs, an order I'm going to make this summer.
  19. It's understandable on the RVF, since ELINT is, supposedly, a made-up Macross term, and it's a space fighter, but on the Sylph, notsomuch. I mean, for the benefits it adds, it generates rolling drag, which can rip it off in a high-g roll. That's not good, for obvious reasons. And, ELINT could be performed by a smaller sensor, right? I mean, the VE-1 did it without a bigass fin.
  20. Well, only about 9% of the applicants are accepted...
  21. It's too much for the airframe to handle! You can't perform an unassisted fo- Dammit! Can you get communications back online?
  22. Heh? What all this foreign language be?
  23. Well, you know what to do, 'Stok!
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